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"Be careful sweetie! Oh! Don't forget to eat something before you leave! You know how bad your head hurts if you don't" his mom yelled from downstairs

"I'm not hungry.." Jaemin sighed as he tried to open the door

His mother quickly stopped him.

"You're not going anywhere,Na Jaemin! Sit your ass down and eat like the obedient child you are.I don't want you to be sick again" she spoke sternly

Jaemin knew shit gets real when his mom calls him by his entire name.She can be very scary.

"I've been wondering..Where does my aggressive behaviour come from? Looks like it's from you.." Jaemin rolled his eyes and took an apple.

"Your father was worse than me.." she laughed

"What was he like?" Jaemin asked absent-mindedly

"Hmm..he was just like you..sleepy all the time,serious,quiet,aggressive,cold..But when you were born he changed drastically..He laughed more often.He loved to play with you when you were little.He said he loved you so much.." she sobbed loudly making Jaemin look at her in worry.

"Mom.don't cry please.." he hugged her tightly

"How can I not?.." she mumbled in her son's embrace

"I will take care of us..don't worry" Jaemin spoke emotionlessly

"You may act tough,but I know your most embarrassing secret" she laughed

"What are you talking about? Tch..crazy woman" Jaemin averted his gaze somewhere else

"You still sleep with a teddy--"

"Bye mom! Have a nice day!"Jaemin ran away

His mom shook her head in amusement.

"This kid.." she chuckled

"Tch..she's crazy" the boy sighed as he took his earphones out and made his way towards school.

Music occupied a big part of his life.It was the only thing he truly enjoyed,aside from sleep and food.

He lazily walked towards his biggest nightmare..he hated school..It was hell..no kidding..Being around bullies and other stupid people made Jaemin's head hurt.

As he walked carelessly,he felt a person bump into him.

He got ready to curse,but when he saw the person he stopped.

"You again? Oh man..really? What did I do to deserve this kind of misfortune?" Jeno whined

Jaemin simply walked past him.

"Did you just ignore me?" Jeno yelled

Jaemin internally thanked the heavens that he brought his earphones.

Jeno ran towards the younger and snatched his earphones.

Big mistake..

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now