school can suck ass

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                             started -_-
I'm already exhausted and I feel like shit because my teacher is pressing me regarding the upcoming exams which are,BITCH I KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO AND I KNOW I'M BAD AT MATH RELATED STUFF BUT CAN YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKIN' MOUTH..this year is going to be the death of me.Anyways,what I really wanted to say is that I will have to stop updating (just until I'm sure that I can make it through hell).Maybe I'll try to update my books in the weekends? Idk man..I'm just so stressed and it's only the first day but hope y'all will wait for me and support me regardless of my inactivity because I really need some support. :')

Hope y'all have a great,peaceful day/night.Don't stress yourselves,eat well and take care,okay? I love you ❤

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now