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It was too hot outside.Not even the air conditioning satisfied the boys whom laid breathless and sweaty on the floor.Jeno was sprawled beside the sleeping Jaemin.He wondered how Jaemin was able to sleep considering how hot it was.He gently shook his limp body and ran his hands through his wet hair.


"Hmm?" Jaemin opened his eyes and looked at Jeno lazily.He was pissed.He hated to be woken up but he couldn't stay mad at Jeno.He was too adorable.A weak smile plastered on his face when he saw the pouty Jeno.His black hair was slightly wet and all over the place, making him more attractive.The tank top he was wearing was also wet,allowing Jaemin to stare at his defined torso and biceps.He shook the unnecessary thoughts away and focused on the male whom trapped him with his muscular arms.Jeno was hovering over the poker faced Jaemin.He smirked and tried to kiss his pink lips, but the younger placed his hand on Jeno's mouth, blocking him.
Jeno whined, making Jaemin smirk.

"It's already hot in here..." Jaemin winked and placed his hand on Jeno's bicep.

"Why is it so hot today?"

"We're too hot" a chuckle escaped Jaemin's mouth.

"True..But if this doesn't stop I might wilt" Jeno sighed deeply and flopped beside Jaemin.

"Wait! I have an idea!" He added excitedly

"And what would that be?" Jaemin arched his eyebrow at Jeno's excited tone.

"Let's go to the beach!" Jeno's eyes lit up at his genius idea.

Jaemin sighed.

"I don't like the beach"

"Pleaseeeeee~" Jeno begged cutely making the younger cringe.

"The things I do for you..."


The ride towards the beach was quite boring until Jeno started blasting music and singing loudly, making people glare at them.Jaemin found it quite amusing.Jeno was older than him yet he was acting like a kid.Soon, the younger smiled and joined Jeno.They both danced to random songs and laughed at their stupidity.

After 2 hours of driving, the boys arrived at their most awaited destination.
A faint breeze of wind made them sigh.Jaemin yawned as he stretched his numb limbs.

"It's so nice here, isn't it?" Jeno eyed the crowded beach with a smile on his face.

"Yeah..let's go..I want to swim" Jaemin spoke and turned around to look at Jeno but when he saw him shirtless, in all his glory, he blushed furiously and stuttered.

"Like what you see?" Jeno smirked teasingly

"Yah! Stop smirking at me!" Jaemin glared and punched Jeno.

"You don't plan on swimming with your shirt on, right?" Jeno laughed

"Turn around and stop laughing!" The younger blushed and shyly took his shirt off.

Jeno quickly turned around and smiled at the shy Jaemin.

"You're perfect, Nana..don't hide yourself." He ruffled his hair and dragged him in the water.

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now