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"Nana? Wake up sweetie.You have school,remember?" his mom entered the room and shook Jaemin

The sleepy boy groaned painfully as he pointed to his throat.He then pointed to his burning forehead and covered himself with the warm blanket.

"Are you sick?!" she panicked

Jaemin nodded and sniffled.

"It..hurts..mom" he spoke in a husky voice.

"Don't talk! Your throat will hurt more! Don't move a muscle! I'll go buy some medicine! Call a friend to take care of you while I'm away! I've seen you with a boy.Jeno,right? I'm going!" she quickly exited her son's room.

Jaemin wanted to scream at her that Jeno is not his friend.And besides,why would he call him?

He went back to sleep,snuggled deep in his blanket.

As he was slowly falling asleep,he heard his phone buzz.

Jaemin groaned,and carefully extended his numb hand.He took the phone and squinted his eyes to see who was the caller.

Lee Jeno



He ignored the call,but after a few seconds Jeno called again,making Jaemin sigh.

"Yah! You're not at school! Why!" Jeno scolded

"Answer me,dumbass!" the older spoke sternly

"I'm..not..feeling..good" Jaemin coughed

Jeno screamed.

"What?! What happened! Are you hurt? Are you sick? Holy shit-"

"I'm..sick.." the younger shut his eyes at the painful sensation he felt when he spoke.

"Don't move! I'm coming man! Just wait for me!" Jeno quickly ended the call.

After only 5 minutes,loud steps could be heard,followed by Jeno that kicked the door wide open.He was panting,signaling that he ran all the way to Jaemin's house.In his hands were bags full of food and medicine.

Jaemin slowly opened his eyes and groaned.The pain got worse.

"Jae! I'm here man!" Jeno rushed to Jaemin's side and put his cold hand on his burning forehead.

"Holy fuck! You're hot!" Jeno exclaimed

"I'll be right back"

He came back with cold water and a cloth.He carefully put the wet cloth on the younger's forehead,then ruffled his hair.

"How did you manage to get sick,Nana? You worried the hell out of me" Jeno spoke quietly as he continued to pet Jaemin's hair.

"I..don't..know..dude.." Jaemin's voice got deeper and huskier.

"Shht..don't talk,please" Jeno smiled

Your voice was deep enough..I don't want to die,so please shut up

Jaemin covered his face with the blanket.

"You have to eat,then take the pills" Jeno spoke sternly

"N..o.." Jaemin shook his head and tried to move away,but Jeno was quicker and held him firmly.

"You're not going anywhere.Shut up,eat and take the damn pills" the older's voice deepened

Jaemin frowned and reluctantly obeyed.

After he was done he sent a judging stare towards Jeno.His gaze burned holes in the older.

"Don't look at me like that.It was necessary and you know it." Jeno chuckled,but Jaemin kept his blank face.

"I'm..sleepy.." Jaemin mumbled as he continued staring at Jeno.

"Sleep then" Jeno raised an eyebrow

"I'm..not..gonna..sleep..knowing..that..you're..here"  Jaemin coughed

"Oh come on! I mean no harm." Jeno smirked and ruffled the younger's hair.

"If you do something..I will cut your dick off.." Jaemin sent him a deadly glare and shut his eyes.

Jeno smiled warmly at the sleeping boy and sat down beside him.He rested his back against the headboard and took him in his arms.His chin was on Jaemin's head and his arms were wrapped protectively around him.

He rubbed soft circles on his back and slowly fell asleep.

Jaemin opened his eyes and frowned at the position he was in.

Eh..I'm too tired to move anyway..

After a few hours his mom came back home with her arms full.She called her son but it was silent.She saw Jaemin's door ajar.

His mom smiled warmly once she noticed the two boys sleeping soundly in each other's embrace.Making sure that they were wrapped in the warm blanket,she sent them one last smile before leaving.

"So he's not your friend,huh?" an amused laugh escaped her.


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now