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"Jaemin sweetie! Your friend Jeno is here!"


"Stop acting like you didn't hear me and go greet him! I have cookies and you two will eat them" his mother pushed him towards the front door.

"Why are you doing this to me? You heartless woman" Jaemin tried to escape his mother's tight grip,but she playfully twisted his arm and smiled warmly.

"Your friend is waiting.Don't be such a brat" she gave Jaemin's shoulder a pat before leaving upstairs giggling.

"Seriously..what's wrong with her.."

Shaking his head in disappointment,Jaemin reluctantly opened the door only to be tackled to the ground by a hyperactive Jeno.

The older was straddling Jaemin's lap.He sent him his usual eyesmile and yelled.


"Stop screaming you dumbass.. get off" Jaemin smacked him and stood up

"Ouch! You little-"

"Hello Jeno sweetie!" Jaemin's mom hugged Jeno

"Hi Mrs.Na!" Jeno hugged back

"Call me mom" she laughed

"Okay mom!" Jeno sent Jaemin a knowing look

The younger stood there,blinking repeatedly.

"I wanted to let you guys know that I'm leaving for a few days.Your aunt needs me,Nana.Have fun but don't destroy the house.You can sleepover if you want,Jeno.Byeee.I love youuu"

And she left..

"WHAT?! NO! COME BACK HERE YOU CRAZY WOMAN! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!" Jaemin attempted to go after her but he came to a halt when Jeno jumped on his back and started to laugh.

"We're gonna have so much fun dude!"

"Get off or else I'm dropping you" Jaemin warned

"Try me" Jeno smirked and clung onto Jaemin tighter.


Jeno didn't stop though.He laughed.

Let's see if you're still gonna laugh after I do this..

Jaemin sighed deeply and slapped Jeno's butt.

The older gasped and blushed furiously.He quickly released Jaemin and averted his eyes somewhere else.

"u-uhm..should we watch a movie or something?" Jeno smiled awkwardly

"Fine..go find a good horror movie while I make some popcorn." Jaemin replied flatly as he made his way towards the kitchen.

"Okay..let's see..oh! This one seems pretty good.Hey man! How about 'The Conjuring'?" Jeno shouted from upstairs.

"Yeah!" Jaemin shouted back
After a few minutes he returned to Jeno with a big bowl of popcorn.

The black haired male was dressed in Jaemin's clothes and had his teddy bear in his arms.

Jaemin's eye twitched at the sight.He wanted to choke the older so bad but he let it slide since Jeno looked already terrified.

"Ey man! Sorry for taking your clothes but I had nothing comfortable to wear.Plus,your hoodies are the best" Jeno sent him a gorgeous eyesmile and snuggled deeper in the black hoodie.

"I'm angry..but I'll let it slide" Jaemin spoke as he eyed his teddy bear

I hope you're okay my friend..

As the night went on,Jeno kept screaming like a baby,jumped everywhere and held onto Jaemin like his life depended on it.He looked absolutely frightened.

During the movie,Jaemin didn't even flinch and that made Jeno whine.

"Oi! How do you manage to keep your blank face all the time!? You didn't even scream once!" Jeno shook Jaemin's body as he kept whining

"It's not even scary.Stop screaming" Jaemin continued eating popcorn

"Eh? Dude! This almost gave me a heart attack!" Jeno leaned on Jaemin

"You know..I've been wondering" Jaemin looked at the older


"Why are you such a softie around me? At school you're a jerk."

"Because I'm comfortable around you.This is the real me,not what you see at school.Consider yourself lucky! You're the first person that saw my true self" Jeno jumped on the younger once again.

His chin was on Jaemin's head and his arms were circled around his neck.

"I'm sleepy" Jeno muttered lazily

Jaemin released a long sigh and carefully picked Jeno up.He walked towards the bed and gently laid him under the soft blankets.

Jeno frowned when he noticed the younger flop on the couch.

"Oi..sleep with me"

"No" Jaemin turned around,his back facing Jeno.

"Fine..ass" the older pouted and closed his eyes as he snuggled in Jaemin's sheets.

In the middle of the night,Jaemin couldn't breathe.He felt something on top of him.

He slowly opened his eyes and discovered Jeno sleeping on his chest with a smile on his face.

"You sneaky little shit.."


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now