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"Hurry up will you?"

"I'm trying"

"You're not trying enough"

"Why do you have to be so salty? I thought you loved me" Jeno whined cutely, hoping to lessen Jaemin's sassiness.

"Not working" Jaemin smirked and ruffled Jeno's hair.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Hell" Jaemin said in a serious tone which made Jeno widen his eyes and punch him repeatedly.

"That was a joke.Calm thyself"

"Seriously though..where are we going?"

"Do you really have to ask?"

"Yes.It is necessary" Jeno mumbled and jumped on Jaemin's back.

"Shit! Why are you like this?" The younger groaned

"I'm tired, daddy"

"Don't.It's not working."

"Carry me,please!" Jeno smacked Jaemin's head

"Fine.." the younger released a long sigh and gripped Jeno's thighs as he walked towards their secret destination.

"You're not going to tell me where are we going, are you?"

"No.Just wait, okay? We're almost there"


After a few minutes, Jaemin put Jeno down and moved aside, allowing him to see where they are.Jeno was gawking.His eyes crinkled cutely as he smiled brightly.A small smile also found its way to Jaemin's face.
They were at a very beautiful waterfall.The moon shone brightly above them, making Jeno smile once again.It was nightime, which made the scenery more ethereal.
Jaemin pulled Jeno down, beside him and sighed once he felt the older hug him.

"I can't believe you brought me at the place where I confessed my feelings for you." Jeno chuckled and played with Jaemin's long fingers.

"I wanted to make you smile" Jaemin muttered

"You always make me smile.You didn't have to do all of this"

"Are you saying that you don't like my surprise?"

"No! I love it! I was trying to say that you don't have to do big things in order to make me smile.All I need is you.Just you"

"Cheesy" Jaemin rolled his eyes as a faint blush tinted his cheeks.It obviously didn't go unnoticed.

"I still remember the day when I made you fall in love with me.It was a hard task, considering the fact that I had to deal with a sassy and cold hearted alter ego."

"You didn't have to do all of that."

"Why?" Jeno questioned quietly

"I was already in love with you." Jaemin confessed as he hugged Jeno tighter.

"For real?" Jeno chuckled

"Yeah..I was just shy to tell you"

"But I remember that you rejected me"

"Oh..that time..I was in denial..Sorry for that" Jaemin pecked Jeno's temple and stared at the waterfall.

"Well it doesn't matter anymore.I love you, you love me.That's all that matters now"

"I repeat..cheesy"

Jeno made an offended face and began punching the younger.

"Ouch! Fine! I..give..up! Stop!" Jaemin screamed at the top of his lungs

"I hope you learned your lesson"

"Tch..sure, whatever"

"Remember that time when you fell from my roof?" Jeno laughed hysterically at the memory of Jaemin trying to sneak in his house.

"Hell no.Don't remind me of it.My back still hurts" Jaemin scoffed

"Or that time when you had to dress as a girl? You had to walk around with a dress for 1 day!-"

"Stop spitting bullshit! You had to kiss a fuckin' cow!" Jaemin retorted with a victorious smirk.

"Yah! YOU pushed me towards the damn cow!" Jeno mumbled angrily and straddled his lap.

Jaemin smirked and raised his eyebrows playfully.He eyed the beautiful boy with a glint of amusement in his eyes.Jeno blushed furiously when he realised the position they were in and tried to move away but Jaemin wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him back.He chuckled and traced his finger across Jeno's neck.After staring intently at him, Jaemin connected their lips softly.Jeno sighed and tugged at Jaemin's locks.Their lips moved in sync as the moon watched over them.

After a few moments,they pulled back and gazed in each other's eyes, seeing nothing but love.

"I'm so happy that we're together" Jeno whispered

"You taught me how to love, after all."


A/N This is the end.Writing this was amazing.I really enjoyed updating this, and I'll definitely miss it.I can't thank you enough for all the support and love you've given to this book.You guys are truly amazing.This has 31k reads and I couldn't be more happier and grateful.I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.I love you all!  ♥♥ >_<


I'm a happy potato TT

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I'm a happy potato TT

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now