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Jaemin groaned and tried to sit up but a tight grip on his waist made him frown.

"Ew" he scrunched his face in disgust and removed Jeno's arms from his waist.

The harsh action woke the older up.He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Why are you on my bed?" Jaemin scoffed

"You got drunk last night..I brought you home and somehow I fell asleep here" Jeno spoke flatly as he eyed Jaemin intently.

"Why are you staring at me you dumbass?" Jaemin spat angrily

"Your hair.."

"What about it?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow

"It's not light brown anymore.." Jeno widened his eyes

"So what?" The younger rolled his eyes and stood up

"Where are you going?" Jeno asked as he followed Jaemin's every movement.

"None of your business...get the fuck out of my room" Jaemin muttered and changed his clothes.

After a few moments, Jeno finally broke the agonising silence.

"I know everything" he said coldly

Hearing this, a smirk slowly crept on Jaemin's pale face as he turned around and looked at the older with an amused expression.

"Hmm..is that so?" He raised an eyebrow and chuckled

"Yes..I know..leave Nana alone.." Jeno warned and approached the younger.

"Stop ruining my fun.." Jaemin chuckled

"You call this 'fun' ? You're a sick bastard" Jeno clenched his jaw

"Nana is gone, princess..game over"

"Tch..you're just keeping him trapped." Jeno sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair.

"Ugh..enough of this bullshit! Get out, leave me alone and shut the fuck up" Jaemin groaned and left the room

"Get back here you piece of shit! You're not leaving without me!" Jeno yelled and ran after him.


Everywhere Jaemin went, Jeno was there.Cafeteria, garden, rooftop, club, even bathroom.

He came to the conclusion that the older wasn't going to leave him alone.

"Ugh..fuck off man..stop following me..because of you all the girls avoided me" Jaemin groaned and turned around to look at Jeno.

The older was just observing him with a cold glare.

"Why are you staring at me like that? You're kinda scaring me" Jaemin laughed awkwardly but he was cut off by Jeno's husky voice.

"I wonder..what's Nana doing right now.." he spoke absent-mindedly

Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"I already told you..he's fuckin gone"

Jeno frowned and approached Jaemin.

He pushed him against the wall and glared at him.

"He's not..I'll find a solution to get rid of you..mark my words.." Jeno smirked and walked away with his hands in his pockets.


"Hey, Jeno?" Renjun mumbled

"Hmm?" Jeno raised an eyebrow at the other male and tried to look behind him in order to see who was giggling.

"No! Don't look!" Renjun panicked

"Why not? Am I not supposed to see?" Jeno asked

"Well..Oh look! Isn't that bird gorgeous? -"

Jeno widened his eyes when he saw Jaemin making out with a girl under a tree.

"Jesus Christ..end me" Renjun mumbled and ran a hand through his hair.

Jeno stood up in a hurry and carefully made his way towards them.

"You're such good kisser mmh-"

Gross..fuckin gross..where's the bleach? 

He smiled innocently and pushed the girl away.With a gorgeous eyesmile, he sat on Jaemin's lap and played with his hair.

"Hey babe.."

The girl rolled her eyes.

"Yeah..keep rolling your eyes, honey..Who knows..maybe you'll find a brain up there" Jeno smirked

Jaemin stared at him in disbelief and a sudden urge to laugh took over him.

"What did you just-"

"Leave..I need to spend time with my boyfriend" Jeno cut her off and waved

Annoyed, she ran away.

After she left, Jeno looked at Jaemin angrily.

"Why did you- OUCH! AH! STOP HITTING ME!" Jaemin's screams echoed in the whole garden.

"I..told..you..countless..times..to..stop..hoeing..around..!" Jeno mumbled at every hit.

When he finally stopped, Jaemin had tears in his eyes and Jeno was breathless.

"You hit me so many times..it hurts" Jaemin whined

"Get used to it"

A/N Heyoo~  this chapter is kinda crappy but..it is what it is..hope you enjoyed it~
By the way..Thank you so much! We've reached 12k reads..that's crazy! You guys are awesome, love you all so much~ UWU ♥♥

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now