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Jeno pushed Jaemin harshly against the wall, making him smirk even wider.

"Easy there princess.." Jaemin chuckled

"What happened to you Nana?" Jeno's eyes glistened with tears as he clenched his jaw tightly.

"I can't answer your question" Jaemin's expression hardened.

"Why the fuck not?! I have the right to know, Nana!"

"Again with this Nana shit..stop calling me that" the younger frowned and stepped towards the door.

As he was about to exit the room, Jeno gripped his wrist and pulled him back.

"You're not going anywhere until you fuckin' tell me everything!" Jeno's tone became scarier as he stared at the younger.

"Why should I? Now move..I have better things to do" Jaemin stared back at him with the same intensity.

"Like what? Fooling around with sluts and making fun of everyone? Well guess what you piece of shit..That's not going to happen while I'm still here." Jeno gripped Jaemin's collar and pushed him harder against the wall.

"Let go of me while I'm still being nice." Jaemin stared at him coldly.

That's when Jeno noticed...

His eyes..looked different...

They were completely lifeless..dark..

Jaemin's eyes were always empty but there was still a glint of emotion in them everytime Jeno was around.

"You're not my Nana" Jeno whispered as he stared at the younger's dark expression.

"I hate to break it to you, but that's who I am, princess.." Jaemin smirked

"Nana never called me princess.." the older frowned

"Move your ass.I'm getting tired of you"

All of a sudden, Jeno found himself on the cold floor.Jaemin was already gone.
Confusion and doubt enveloped him.

"What the hell.." he muttered under his breath


Loud music boomed in Jaemin's ears.He smirked as he made his way towards a familiar crowd of old friends.
The night went on pretty smoothly until the boy decided to drink something and maybe hook up with a few girls.A drink became ten and a few girls became too many.His friends tried to stop him and send him home but he just refused them with a hand gesture.A wave of dizziness hit him like a truck, making him stumble towards a random couch.His sight was awfully foggy and unfocused as he pulled his phone out and searched for a person to call.Jaemin clicked randomly and waited for the person to answer.Soon, a deep and menacing voice could be heard.


"Princess~ I drank too much.." Jaemin released a hiccup as he spoke

Jeno sighed deeply..


"A dude is looking at me weirdly..I think he wants to rape me..save me my princess" Jaemin whispered and tried to avoid the stranger's perverted face.

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now