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"Listen to me,Nana..your condition got worse.." the alter ego frowned

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jaemin asked

"You heard me..your mental health got worse..because of me appearing so often,you became awfully weak.I'll try to disappear for awhile,until you've recovered.I hate to say this but..Take care okay? You're the only person I can possess,after all" the alter ego smiled before disappearing

Jaemin stared in the mirror.His face was very pale,his eyes were lifeless with dark circles under them.

"Thank you,my dear friend" he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

He jumped on his bed and stared at his cold hands.

Jaemin released a long sigh before falling asleep with his old teddy bear.


"Yah! Lee Jeno! Come back here you little shit!" a guy from another class yelled as he ran after Jeno.

"You can't catch me! Hahahahah" the black haired male mocked the more taller and muscular boy.

"Just you wait! When I'll catch you,I'll choke you so hard until your eyes pop out!"

"My,my..so violent! I'm shivering" Jeno laughed and kept running

This continued for about three hours.
Apparently,Jeno stole something rather important from that dude.His money to be exact.Jeno liked to do this kind of thing.He enjoyed the angry looks of his 'victims'.It was thrilling for the young boy.The rush of adrenaline had Jeno laughing in bliss.All his common sense seemed to vanish whenever a golden opportunity like this one appeared.Call him whatever you like.Jeno doesn't care.
He got in trouble all the time.Detention,being transferred to another highschool,and all that kind of stuff.
Nothing stopped him though.His parents wanted him to be the perfect kid.Jeno was not happy about it.He liked to be free,careless.

The boy panted as his marathon finally came to a halt.All the running had him awfully exhausted.

He smiled victoriously.

"Hah..I've escaped--"

"What the hell is this little shit?! You must be fucking kidding me! Such misfortune!"

His smile vanished when he realized that he came in sight with a dead end.His adrenaline quickly disappeared and all that was left was fear.The fear of being beaten to death by that giant gorrila that ran after him until now.

He slowly turned around and looked at the giant dude.His large figure engulfed Jeno's small one.

"Well,well..not so confident anymore,aren't you?"

Jeno gulped and walked backwards.His back hit the wall.

"Don't worry..I'll finish you quickly" he laughed and extended his fist towards Jeno's face.The boy shut his eyes tightly.

That's it..I'm screwed..Lord have mercy--

The impact never came though.

"Let him go"

That voice..

"Eh? Who are you,little boy? Go play with your dolls or something."

Jeno widened his eyes when he saw Jaemin.He approached the gorilla with his usual bored look and removed his hand from Jeno's collar.

"Huh?! What are you--"


"I'm seventeen you dumbass" Jaemin mumbled in annoyance as he punched the more taller guy.


"Are you okay?" Jaemin asked nonchalantly

Jeno quickly snapped out of it and answered in a rushed tone.

"U-uhm..Yeah! I'm perectly fine!"

"Well then.." Jaemin turned around and left

"Wait! I'm coming with you!" Jeno replied as he ran after the younger

"Why? I've punched the shit out of you in the detention room" Jaemin raised an eyebrow

"And I've painted your whole face! Why did you save me?"

"I just happened to pass by.."

"Just admit it! You still have some feelings in that little heart of yours!" Jeno playfully nudged Jaemin and wiggled his eyebrows

"Shut up and walk"


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now