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Jaemin woke up with unbearable pain.He couldn't move a muscle.

Beside the bed was Jeno.He was sleeping..

Jaemin noticed that their hands were intertwined.

"Jeno..wake up" he called softly

"N-Nana..are you ok?.." the older replied quietly..he was obviously too tired to even talk.

"I'm fine..the floor is uncomfortable..just lay down beside me" Jaemin poked Jeno's cheek as he spoke calmly

"Are you sure?..I don't want to bother you.." Jeno muttered and tightened his grip on Jaemin's hand.

"Just do as I say" Jaemin rolled his eyes and carefully made some space for the tired boy.

Jeno immediately obeyed and made himself comfortable in Jaemin's sheets.Their hands were still intertwined as Jaemin glanced at the sleeping boy.

It was unbelieveable..Lee Jeno the school's jerk,put himself in danger just to save him.He shot 4 people,the rest were probably in hospital by now,he took care of him,and by the looks of it,he didn't even sleep.

Jaemin shook his head with an amused smile on his face.

Even though I told you to run away,you didn't..stubborn little shit..

The younger frowned when he noticed a big scar on Jeno's neck.

Tch..See? You even managed to get hurt..Why do you always have to put yourself in danger?..

You don't even know me..why are you willing to get hurt for me?..

You should't..that scar doesn't look good on your skin..

Although your're a jerk,I don't want you to get hurt..



He felt Jeno's warm hand on his cheek.

"Hmm?" Jaemin hummed softly

"What are you thinking about?" Jeno mumbled as he caressed the younger's hair.

"Why were you there that night?.." Jaemin questioned

"That night I was really worried about you..I texted you so many times.I even went to your house.I was home at that time.As I was trying to fall asleep,I heard..cars..and people's loud voices.It was weird.Why would they make such a ruckus in the middle of the night? Curiosity took over me,and I ran towards the sudden commotion..Then..I saw you on the ground..I felt so scared and I really wanted to help you..And that's what I did..I'm not sure why I did it but..When I saw you so vulnerable,I just didn't have the heart to let you die.." Jeno muttered softly and continued petting Jaemin's head.

"I..uhm.." Jaemin stuttered

"Shht..I know.." Jeno smiled warmly and pecked the younger's forehead.

"No..let me say it..I..uhm..thank you Jeno..really..if you weren't there-"

"Don't..don't say it..I don't want to think about it ever again.." A tear dropped on their hands.

"Please stop crying" Jaemin flicked Jeno's forehead.

"Mhm..anyway..Are you hungry? I can make you something" The black haired male looked at Jaemin with his gorgeous eyesmile.

"Sure..do anything you want.I'll eat it" Jaemin sent him a small smile

"Okay.Rest." Jeno slowly detached his hand from Jaemin's and ruffled his honey-like hair.

"Come back soon"



"You didn't put poison in it,right?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow at the bowl of soup.

"Yah! Stop being a little shit! I made this damn soup with lots of love!" Jeno pinched Jaemin's ear with a frown on his face.


Jaemin slowly put the spoon in his mouth.His eyes widened at the taste.It looked like an average soup but damn...It was insanely good.

"So? How is it? Does it taste good?" A spark of hope flashed in Jeno's eyes.

"No..it's not good" Jaemin said flatly

"What?" Jeno looked down

"It's not good..It's delicious" Jaemin chuckled and continued eating like a maniac.


The younger was too engrossed in his soup.He only nodded.

"I'm glad you like it,Nana" he sent him another eyesmile

"Why don't you eat too? I bet you haven't eaten ever since that night..you must be starving..Shit..I feel bad for eating like a lunatic in front of you-"

"Calm down,Nana..I already brought my own bowl..Let's eat,shall we?" Jeno chuckled

"Thank god.."


"I didn't know that you can cook"

"That's one of my hobbies"

"What else do you like to do?" Jaemin asked as they both sat in bed,facing each other.


"You can dance and rap? Well well..you're a talented little shit" Jaemin chuckled

"What about you?" Jeno smiled

"Me? Nothing..I'm too lazy" Jaemin chuckled

"Lazy little shit..What about that time when we played football? You seem pretty talented.."

"Hmm..I'm not talented,you are just too weak"

"Hey! I'm the best football player!" Jeno pinched Jaemin's ear


"Stop calling me NoJam!"


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now