×Another side×

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"Just accept me Nana..just let me take control" The alter ego smirked as he tried to get closer

"No! Stay away! Leave me alone!" Jaemin yelled

"Your life will be a lot more easier.." he smirked

"No! Step back! No!--"

Jaemin woke up sweaty and scared.His mother quickly entered his room.

"Are you alright,Nana! What happened?--"

"It happened again,mom.." Jaemin whispered

His mother sighed deeply and hugged him tightly.She whispered sweet words making him calm down.

"Don't worry,sweetheart..I'm here" she reassured

Jaemin nodded and hugged her.

"Just sleep,honey..you still have a few hours left until you need to go to school" she ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead

"Sweet dreams"


"Oops..my bad" Jeno chuckled and pushed a random girl,making her books fall on the floor

The girl sobbed.

Jaemin walked lazily and came across the scene

He scanned the place and saw a lot of students gathering around the girl.They laughed at her.

"Leave her alone" Jaemin spoke flatly

"Eh? What's your problem,you loser?" Jeno frowned and approached the unaffected boy

"What's YOUR problem..she did nothing wrong..why are you bullying her?" Jaemin's eyes looked lifeless as he spoke

"Mind your own business!" Jeno gripped Jaemin's collar and pushed him on the wall harshly

Something inside Jaemin snapped.

"Getting aggressive? My,my..you kinda scared me..so terrifying!" Jaemin's eyes darkened

He smirked smugly at the confused Jeno.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jeno questioned

The sudden change of behaviour surprised him.

"I'm perfectly fine,sweetheart.." Jaemin grinned teasingly as he smacked Jeno

The dark haired male coughed.


The nickname sounded oddly familiar..

"Na Jaemin..remember this name"  Jaemin said flatly and with a last wink he left..

Na Jaemin..

"I don't think I'll be able to forget his fuckin' name after what happened" Jeno sighed


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now