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"Jeno..wake up"

"Ugh..what now? Are you going to hit me with a slipper again?"

"No..I won't..but seriously..wake up"

"Why?" Jeno groaned

"Don't you remember?" His mom gasped


"Lee Jeno..your class is playing football against another school..how could you forget?" She scolded

"Shoot! I'm such an idiot! How much time do I have left?" He asked and quickly went to his closet.

"10 minutes, Jeno..you better hurry!" She warned and went downstairs.

"Shit, shit, shit..OUCH!" The boy fell with a loud thud.

"Stupid jeans!"  he mumbled angrily as he dressed in some casual clothes.

"Hurry Jeno! Your breakfast is ready!" His mom announced.

"I'm coming, mom!"

When he arrived in the kitchen,his mom passed him an apple and a sandwich.

"Thanks, you're the best.Love you" Jeno smiled brightly and kissed her cheeks.

"Love you too baby" she ruffled his hair and smiled

When her son left, a smirk plastered on her face.

"So he changed you.."


"Jaemin! Hurry!"

"Leave me alone..I can get up by myself" Jaemin frowned

"Come..on!" His mom dragged him out of the bed

The boy groaned and clung to the headboard.

"You can't make me leave this bed!" Jaemin smirked

"Oh really? Try me" she smirked back and began tickling his feet.

Jaemin widened his eyes and yelled.

"No! Stop! I want to sleep! Aaaaaaaaah!"


"There! Better! Now hurry up before I tickle your waist!" She warned

"How do you-"

"I'm your mother..I know everything about you" his mom winked and left the room

"Fuckin' hell.."


Jeno was running.Jaemin was walking.

Neither of them saw it coming.

"Are you fuckin' blind?!" Jaemin groaned and rubbed his back.

Jeno looked at him coldly and continued running.

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now