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"Sweetie,wake up.You have to eat something,or else you'll get sick.."

"I'm not hungry" Jaemin groaned

"Nana.." his mom lowered her head

"Just get out..I'm not hungry" he spat bitterly

"I'm just worried,that's all..I don't want you to be sick again..you're the only one I have.."

"You don't get it,do you? What's the point? I'm not normal,anyway!" Jaemin punched the wall,making his mother flinch.

"N-Nana..calm down sweetie..you still have to go to your friend and discuss about the project." she mumbled

"Screw this! Do you think I'm in the mood to spend time with that bastard?" Jaemin gripped his hair in frustration.

"Calm down Na Jaemin! And don't you dare say that you're not normal ever again! Eat,get ready and meet with your friend!" she pushed Jaemin out of the bed

"Mom! I don't want to go there" he rolled his eyes

"You'll do as I say,young man! Now go!" she smiled before slamming the door in Jaemin's face.

"Thank you mom! You're so cool" the boy muttered in annoyance.


"Yah! Lee Jeno! What's that hottie doing?"

"Yeah! Where is he now? Call him over!"

The same guys that were brutally beaten by Jaemin,smirked.

"How should I know? It's not like we're close or anything." Jeno rolled his eyes

"Good..I can hit on him"

"Eh? That guy almost killed you! Why are you so calm?" Jeno exclaimed

"Don't worry buddy..I'll make that hottie fall for me" a filthy smirk plastered on the guy's face.


A sudden buzz interrupted Jeno.He got a message.

Na Jaemin
Give me your fuckin' address

Jeno's eyes widened considerably at Jaemin's text.

"Who texted you? Eh? Na Jaemin? Is he the hottie? He wants to come over?" his friends smirked

"Uhm actually we have a damn project..nothing special"

Lee Jeno to Na Jaemin
I'm not sure you want to come today..

Na Jaemin
I won't repeat myself.

Lee Jeno to Na Jaemin
Fine..But I warned you..

Na Jaemin
Cut the crap.

"Damn..feisty..I like it" one of Jeno's friends licked his lips.

Just then,the door swung open,revealing a very pissed Jaemin.He was dressed in a black hoodie,black ripped skinny jeans,black combat boots,his hair was still messy,his silver rings and ear piercings were still there,making Jeno gape and the rest of the boys whistle.

"Jae! Come in!" Jeno stood up and urged Jaemin inside

"Of course I'll come in.That's why I'm here you dumbass" Jaemin frowned and flopped on the couch.

The boys were staring intently at Jaemin,with a strange glint in their eyes.

Jeno scowled.

Damn you,Na Jaemin..why do you have to dress so--

"Can we start already? Those bitches are still looking at me." Jaemin approached Jeno and gripped his wrist.

He pulled him upstairs,towards an empty room,which seemed to be Jeno's.

"Let's get this shit done." Jaemin groaned

"Okay..so..who asks first?" Jeno mumbled

"I don't care.."

"I'll start..so..what's your favourite colour?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Jaemin rolled his eyes

"Favourite food?"


"What do you like to do in your free time?" Jeno stared at Jaemin


"What genre of music do you like?"

"Don't have a favourite..I just listen to random music" Jaemin mumbled

"Hmm..tell me something about your childhood" Jeno urged

"I don't recall anything..except the fact that I was very close with my dad"
"What were you like,when you were little?"

"The same as I am now"

"Hmm..okay..I think that's enough for today..I can see that you're not in the mood to have a proper talk,so let's leave it at that for the moment"Jeno released a sigh as he stood up

"Thank God..bye bitch" Jaemin waved lazily and went to open the door

"Wait let me come with you..the guys are still there" Jeno mumbled


As they were walking,Jaemin saw the ugly smirks on their faces.One guy winked at him.Another wiggled his eyebrows.

He wanted to show them what true pain felt like,but he was too tired for that,so he once again waved at Jeno,then left.

"Man..he's so hot"

"True bro..I just want to--"

"Shut up and leave..all of you.." Jeno mumbled angrily and clenched his fists.

"What? Why? Are you jealous?"

"I said..leave!" Jeno yelled at them

"Woah there buddy..we'll leave"

It was finally silence again..Jeno jumped on his bed and sighed.

"Just..let me find more about you.."


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now