×He strikes again×

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"Hahahahahahah what? You..love me? Hahahahahahah you must be fuckin' kidding because I never laughed so much in my entire life."

"What are you talking about, Nana? I told you the truth..I really love you" Jeno stared at him in horror.

"Oh really? Well guess what princess..I don't" Jaemin smirked


"Move.I have things to take care of" he cut the older off by pushing him harshly.

Jeno's heart broke in thousands of pieces.He felt like shit.Tears slowly streamed down his cheeks as he stared at Jaemin's back.

"So you just played with me, eh?" Jeno spoke bitterly and wiped his tears away.


Jaemin whistled as he walked carelessly.He arrived at an abandoned warehouse.

"Time to get my fuckin' revenge" he chuckled and kicked the door wide open, making the thugs flinch.

"Look who's here! Want to get your ass kicked again? " the leader mocked.

Jaemin kept his head hung low as a smirk slowly crept on his pale face.

"Let's play a little game, shall we?" He suggested,visibly amused.

"Game? What the-"

"Shht..listen to me..the game is very very simple.You see..My knife reaallly wants to play..If you make any sound you die.So? Who wants to play?" Jaemin approached them laughing.



"Tch..I thought I told you to shut up?" Jaemin grumbled as he kept stabbing the leader's arm.

"That's for damaging my face you motherfucker" he stabbed him in the chest with a disgusted face.

The others stared at Jaemin with terrified expressions.

"Who's next?" He smirked


"Jaemin you're home-
WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" his mom yelled when she noticed that Jaemin's clothes were bloody.

"Stop talking" he rolled his eyes and went upstairs.


"Yup, that's my name"

"Explain right now!" She followed her son

"Too lazy, bye!" He locked the door and chuckled

She sighed and massaged her temples.

"Dear lord..give me strenght"


The next morning Jaemin completely ignored his mother and rushed outside.


He was already gone...

"What has gotten into him?.." she frowned.

When he arrived at school, Jaemin kicked the classroom's door wide open, making the teacher and all of his classmates widen their eyes.

Jeno lazily looked up and scrunched his face in disgust.

"That's not how a disciplined student enters the classroom!" The teacher scolded

"Who said I'm disciplined?" Jaemin smirked at the angry teacher and flopped in his seat, beside the bored-looking Jeno.

"Detention after school!"

"Do I look like I care?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow

"What has gotten into you?" Jeno glanced at him as he spoke sternly

"Oh you're here? Didn't see you" Jaemin smirked smugly

Jeno felt beyond pissed.The younger's behaviour was infuriating.

"Jerk" Jeno sent him a deadly stare.

His heart broke while saying this but he didn't care anymore..Talking normally with Jaemin seemed impossible at this point.

"Whatever you say princess"

"I'm not a fuckin' princess" Jeno gritted his teeth angrily

"Lee Jeno! Stop talking or you'll get detention too!"

Fine..I don't want to be stuck with a brat in the detention room..


It was lunch time and Jeno went to the cafeteria with Mark, Chenle, Jisung, Renjun and Donghyuck.

As they were searching for some seats, they came in sight with Jaemin.He was smirking at two girls.

The girls looked extremely slutty.Their make-up was too exaggerated and let's not talk about their clothes....

Jeno felt anger bubble up inside him.

"What is he doing?" Renjun widened his eyes

"Being a hoe..I see" Donghyuck gritted his teeth

"Since when?" Chenle mumbled in disbelief as he hugged Jisung's arm.

Jeno wasted no time.He clenched his jaw tightly and approached Jaemin's table.

"Hoeing around with sluts..I see" Jeno slammed his fist on the table and grabbed Jaemin's collar.

"Are you jealous, princess? How touching.." Jaemin smirked

Jeno tightened his grip and pulled him closer.
He stared at him with cold eyes and jaw clenched tightly.

"Dump this sluts immediately or I'll kick your fuckin' ass" Jeno warned

"Who do you think you are you son of a-"

"Shut the fuck up.Your face looks like it's been hit by a damn train" Jeno cut her off.

The girl looked at him extremely offended but he didn't care.

"Daaaamnnn..he roasted her ass" Donghyuck clapped

"Why are you so angry, princess?" Jaemin raised an eyebrow, visibly amused and taken aback by Jeno's outburst.

"Shut your mouth and come with me you little shit" Jeno mumbled angrily and dragged the younger with him.

Have a nice day.Love you all ♥

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now