×He's back?×

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"Wake up, all of you!" Mr.Oh yelled from his tent.

The students groaned and reluctantly exited their comfortable tents.

Chenle was snoring and accidentally choked Jisung in his sleep.

Renjun was pretty much dead.He whined about mosquitoes attacking him.

Mark had to sleep outside since he scared Donghyuck.

As for Jaemin and Jeno...

When Renjun looked inside their tent he almost passed out from the shock.

Jeno was sleeping on top of Jaemin.The younger had one arm wrapped securely around Jeno's waist and their legs were tangled.

"Wake up you lazy assholes!" Donghyuck threw his pillow at them.

Jaemin woke up confused while Jeno just stood there, embarrassed.

"I'm not going to ask anything about you two..now come out..Mr.Oh called us" Mark sighed and left

Jeno angrily looked at Jaemin and began punching him.

"Ouch! Fuckin' hell! Stop punching me!"

"Why were we in that position!? You fuckin' pervert!"

"Sorry to break it to you, but you were the one who started it" Jaemin chuckled

"What?! You're lying" Jeno shook his head

"I'm not" Jaemin said in a serious tone.

"I'm so stupid.." Jeno mumbled angrily

"You're just clingy..that's cute" Jaemin smirked and changed his clothes

"Cute? Wow...I never thought that I'd hear that word from you" Jeno smirked back, making the younger frown.

"Just get out"


"Since all of you are here..I'm going to announce something.You're going to adventure in the woods.All of you have to find the flags that I've hidden..They're 15 flags scattered somewhere around these woods.You have all the necessary equipment in case there's an emergency.The first team that brings me the flags will get extra food.The last team will wash the dishes." Mr.Oh said sternly

"Woah.." they all exclaimed

"Let's go Jisungie!~ Team Dolphin!" Chenle screamed

"Swag Team let's go!" Donghyuck jumped on Mark's back

"Looks like I'm alone" Renjun ruffled his hair in annoyance and searched for a partner.His eyes caught a girl who was also searching for someone.He slowly approached her and tapped her shoulder.She squealed and blushed as she stared at the handsome boy in front of her.They were classmates but they never talked to each other.

"Lami..would you like to be my partner?" He smiled

"Uhm..S-Sure! Let's go!" Lami smiled back at Renjun

《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now