×Unexpected project?×

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"Jeno! Come back here! You still haven't answered my question!"

"Ugh..no one cares about your stupid questions" Jeno whined

"That's not my problem! Listen to me,and listen to me well! Your dad and I are leaving for a week.Do you think you'll be able to take care of yourself and the house?" his mom asked

"Why should I? I have maids" Jeno rolled his eyes and took his backpack from the couch.

"Still a brat..I see" she sighed deeply

"I'm leaving" the boy waved lazily and left

He took his headphones and clicked on a random song.He bobbed his head to EXO's Monster.

As he was walking,he noticed a boy walking ahead of him,with his hands in his pockets.His sluggish manner of walking,skinny and tall figure,messy light brown hair..dark clothes..

"Yah! Na Jaemin! Wait up,kiddo!" Jeno ran after the younger and linked his arm with him

"Yo! Waddup man" Jeno nudged Jaemin's side

Jaemin however,completely ignored the older and kept his blank face.

"So..want to come to my place sometime? You know,to hang out?" Jeno asked,his arm still attached to Jaemin's.


"Yah! Say something" The older whined

"Like I said..I don't use my mouth to answer your stupid questions,or other pointless shit" Jaemin spoke nonchalantly

"And no..I won't come to your fuckin' place." he added

"Eh? Why?" Jeno questioned

"Seriously? I don't hang out.I don't have friends."

"Why is that?"

"I don't need them.I like to be alone.Simple as that.Now shut up." Jaemin detached his arm from Jeno's grip and walked ahead

"Oi! Salty!" Jeno whined

"Get used to it,brat" Jaemin mumbled

"Eh?! I'm not a brat,you little shit!"


"Sit down" the teacher came in the classroom.

"I have an announcement.We have a project coming up.It's a project between seatmates.You'll have to spend a week together and learn about each other's personality.All of this being said,I wish you all good luck.Now talk about this with your seatmate" the teacher said

What?..I'll have to spend an entire week with this little shit?..ugh..why is life against me,every fuckin' time...

Jaemin released a long sigh as he closed his eyes.

He was almost falling asleep...but--

"Yah! Na Jaemin! Wake up man! We have to talk about that damn project! You can't fall asleep now! The whole burden will fall on my shoulders and I can't let that happen--"

"Shut up" Jaemin's deep voice cut Jeno off

How can his voice sound like this?! His age doesn't match him at all!

Jeno blinked in disbelief as he stared at the sleepy boy.

"Stop staring at me" Jaemin punched Jeno

"Yah! Why did you--"

"Stop whining..are you a boy or a girl?" the younger smirked at the sight of an angry Jeno

"Oi! I'm the manliest guy you'll ever meet! Don't you dare deny it! I've seen how much you like to gawk at me--"

"Stop spitting nonsense" he punched him again

Jeno tried to muffle his groan.But he failed when Jaemin gripped his thigh and began to dig his nails in it.

"You talk shit,you get hit.Remember this rule." Jaemin spoke sternly then patted Jeno's thigh before releasing it.

"Sure,dad" Jeno mumbled in annoyance


《Two Faced》 |Jaeno/Nomin|  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now