Chap 4: Ueno Naoka's Plan

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[A/N: sorry for the last chapter. I made it short. ]
Kawai's Point of View
"Ohayo, Ishida." I gladly greeted him when I saw him walking towards the school gate.

"Oh, ohayo, Kawai-san." He answered as he wave his hand a little. I joined him at walking towards the school gate when I saw Nagatsuka.

"Ohayo, Nagatsuka!" I greeted him. I looked at Ishida for a second then I took Ishida's hand to catch up with Nagatsuka.

"Ohayo, Nagatsuka-kun." Greeted Ishida to them lightly. Nagatsuka-kun greeted Ishida back with a greeting and a smile.

I'm so happy that I have friends like them. I'm so thankful that my friends are always by my side.
My friends and I went to visit some of our friends in other classrooms. We have a chit-chat but me and my classmates slash friends eventually came back to our classroom for break is over.

"Kon'nichiwa everyone. kyō watashi wa daikō..."

But literally today, I'm not in the mood to listen to our professor. I don't know why. I used to be jolly and active but then, today, I feel gloomy. Something is bothering me which blocks me from learning our lecture. And, I don't know what it is.


I feel a trouble is coming.


"Ahh, hai?!" I shouted as I stood up as fast as I could.

"Haha. Are you fine?" Our professor giggled but I nodded anyways. "I thought you forgot your name." She continued.

I tilt my head as my classmates giggled and laugh in unison.

What was that?
Yuzuru's Point of View
Class is over so I went to onee chan's school to be with her. I told her that we'll walk home together and she seem to agree.

When I walked across the hallway of her school, my eyes caught onee-chan's friends, Nagatsuka, Kawai-chan, and of course, Ishida-kun.

"Oh, Yuzu. What brings you here?" Ask Nagatsuka to me as he put his arm above my shoulder.

"Say, I'll just visit Onee-chan." I explained. Nagatsuka then removed his arm at me so I excused myself because I might keep Nishimiya waiting.
"Kon'nichiwa Onee-chan." I greeted when I saw her standing at the open door of her classroom. She smiled at me. "Kon'nichiwa."

"Can we go now?" I ask. She didn't budge for a second. She looked around the empty hallway before she nodded.


On our way home, we saw Ishida-kun with others in front of a vending machine of drinks. They might be talking about something important.

As we paused at walking, we watched them split into individuals then the only person we saw was Ishida-kun.

"Should I call him?" I turned my attention to Onee-chan.

She just nodded at me so, just like what I said, I shouted his name to get his attention.

"Oh, Kon'nichiwa Yuzu-- oh, Kon'nichiwa Shouko." Smiled Ishida as he wave his hand high.

I pulled onee-chan's hand to get ourselves in front of Ishida-kun. When we have reach him, I greeted him with a question.

"Say, why are you here, Ishida-kun?" I ask him as I tilt my head a little.

"Yeah, I was on my way home when you called me," he explained as he smile at Onee-chan. Haha. How sweet.

"Oh. Then, maybe we could join you on the way?"

"Yeah." Smiled Ishida.

Ueno's Point of View
"Hahaha. Right, those neko are so kawaii!" I screamed as I hugged myself. Sahara, who was beside me, just giggled after hearing what I just said.

We were actually on our way home, and it was so silent around us as we walk pass the Nishimiyas' house.

I looked up the sky then I saw a mama bird chirp as she fly towards her nest. She feed her babies with a worm she brought home and I'm sure, her babies were happy because of satisfaction.

I smiled as me and Sahara walk pass the tree where they live. I gave my attention to Sahara then she smiled at me but then, when we both put our look at the road. I saw three students walking which I've known for years.

"Shouko Nishimiya!!" Shouted Sahara at them. The tall girl beside me began to ran to greet Shouko much closer.

I smiled at them as I walk slowly towards the three. Ha, the world is really small.

"Kon'nichiwa, Ishida-kun." I greeted Ishida as I gave him a sweet smile. It's a friendly smile, of course.

"Kon'nichiwa, Nishimiyas." I greeted Yuzuru and Shouko as I smile lightly. They greeted me back with their bright smiles.

"By the way, why are you two here?" Ask Ishida to start a topic.

"Well, we just pass by," answer Sahara to the three. I just smile at them as we stand in the middle of the empty road.

"Oh, souka." Smile Ishida.

I looked at the two curiously. Starting when I've seen them together, I've been asking myself a question which is really weird and awkward for them to answer.

But, I want to ask them since it's been here.

"Ishida-kun." He looked at me with curiosity.

"Shouko-chan." She looked at Ishida before me.

Before I ask them, Sahara and Yuzuru also looked at us. Which made me feel weird 'cause, what if they'll help each other at torturing me? No, but.. No. They can't do that. They're still my friends.

I trust them.

"You two. Are you guys in a relationship?" I ask them straight. In a blink, Shouko-chan's face turned red.

I looked at Ishida-kun and he just moved his eye contact away from mine. Pfft.

"Seriously?" Yuzuru cutted in.

"Yes." I answered with looking at her. I know the two of them can answer this.

"No, we're not." Answered Ishida as he look from a far distance.

"H-hai." Answered Shouko-chan timidly.

I raised my eyebrows at them. Pfft, then, why won't they make it true? Its actually possible.


It's really possible, rather.

"Then, since you liked each other, why won't you guys be in a relationship?" I ask as I cross my arms. I gave my look to Shouko-chan then her face turned 2x red-der than before.


"Seriously, Ueno-san. Stop it," cutted Yuzuru again. "Let's just get this over with."

"No, I want my question to be answered." I waited for Yuzuru to speak but she didn't budge again.

"I guess so." Ishida-kun answered which made me shocked. When I have recovered, I gave them two a wide smirk from my face.

"Okay, I'm done. I'll leave you guys in peace. Gommene." I apologize as I smile. I moved back a little to give them a one second bow then I leave without telling Sahara.

"Hey wait up!" I heard Sahara's voice. She caught up with my pace then we've eventually walked together to leave the three.

I might sound devilish that time but they should trust me.

I might be one of the bridges for them to be much closer. And, who knows, they might be 'more than friends' then one day, they'll thank me for being like this.

Healing Hearts: A Silent Voice Epilogue (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now