Chap 15: Jealous

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Chapter 15
Ishida's Point of View
"Do we really need to go? This early?" I saw Nishimiya sulked at me. Haha, kawaii though.

"Yes, Nishimiya. We need to. We have to start our date 'cause this day is your day." I said before smiling at her. I saw her eyes were heavy and I can't help to have pity on her for interrupting her sleep but this is needed.

Really needed.

"Come on, onee chan. Go and have your date with Ishida." said Yuzuru as she walks towards us. She's also convincing her onee to have a date with me so in the end, she sighed in defeat.

"Okay. Let's go." said Nishimiya before holding her sling bag. She went out but before all, she bid goodbye to her sister and to her Mom before walking out with me.

I sighed as I looked at her. I saw how sleepy she is. And I can't help it but to feel guilty.

I patted her shoulder gently. She eventually looked at me with her sleepy eyes. "Do you want to sleep on my house? We can continue our date when you've gain energy."

She looked away as she think before looking at me again. "H-hai."

We went to our house first and when Maria and Oka-san saw Nishimiya, they greeted her with a big smile. I told them she needs rest so they stopped talking to her and just told me to let her sleep in my bedroom.

I agreed for it's my plan in the first place before guiding my sleepy Nishimiya Shouko towards my room.

She immediately laid down my bed as if all of her energy's drained. I just smiled after seeing her in a cute state before tucking her the covers for her to sleep more comfortable.

"Sleep well, Nishimiya." I said before getting out my room as soon as I saw her eyes closed.
"I.. Ishida?" I heard a soft voice called my name. I looked at her and there, I saw Nishimiya weakly sat down my bed as she rub her eyes in circular motion.

"Hm? Are you still sleepy?" I ask then I walked towards her. She shook her head before gesturing me to sit and so I did.

"Are we still going to have our date?" she ask.

"Yes we are. Just tell me if you're not going to sleep, okay?" I was about to stand up but I felt a soft hand gripped me on my wrist.

I looked at her and there, I saw her smiling. How cute.

"Let's do it now."

I sighed before helping her stand up from bed. "you're not sleepy anymore?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Then let's go." I smiled before we went out of my room and we walked down the stairs.

"Ishida? Nishimiya?" mom exclaimed. I even saw her forehead creased upon seeing us together. "D-did y-you d-do...?"

"I let Shouko Nishimiya sleep on my bed 'cause she's really sleepy." I immediately exclaimed. I felt Nishimiya held my hand tightly that made me look at her who's blushing so hard right now. I guess she knew what Mom's thinking about.

I face palm myself. "You're thinking the wrong idea, Mom."

Then suddenly, I heard her chuckled that made our foreheads creased. "Daijobou, I know you two can't do it. But once you two are married, give me one or two, okay?"

I heard Nishimiya suddenly coughed after hearing Mom's statement.

"Gommene, Nishimiya. Don't mind Mom's statement, okay? Forget it." I said before looking at Mom who's smirking so wide.

"We'll leave now, Mom." I shyly said.

"Well then, take care you two." Mom smiled before we made our way towards the road.

I then turned to look at Nishimiya once the house's out of my sight. "Sorry about Oka-san's actions a while ago."

"No. It's fine." she shyly smiled at me.

Silence suddenly covered us as we walk down the streets but when I realized why we're walking, I turned to look at her. "Are you hungry? Do you want to go to a café first?"

She nodded at me so we immediately went to a café nearby. When we walked inside, a waitress smiled at us as she bow her head. "Welcome. How can I help you?"

"Hm, we just want to find a seat first." I smiled. The waitress stared at me for a moment so my forehead creased.

"Uhm, are you okay?" I can't help but to ask. I even felt Nishimiya's grip on my arm tightened.

"Ah, yes. This way, sir." she smiled at me but I noticed that she's not looking even once at Nishimiya. The waitress just guided us towards a vacant table near the glass wall where we can see the outside world.

"Thank you." I smiled at her as we sat down.

The waitress giggled. "No problem sir. Uhm, may I take your order then?" the waitress first handed us a menu.

I gave one to Nishimiya and both of us scanned the menu.

"Mine's just brownies and frappe. How about you, Nishimiya?" I smiled as I ask Nishimiya who's quietly scanning the menu.

She then placed the menu down the table to gesture at me, saying, "Mine's frappe too and strawberry cake."

I turned to look at the waitress who's looking weirdly at Nishimiya.

"I would take 2 frappes, brownies and a strawberry cake." the waitress listed the foods I told her before she threw a glare at Nishimiya before walking away.

"Hmp." I heard Nishimiya sulked. I turned to look at her as her forehead creased.

"Is there any problem, Nishimiya?" I ask worriedly.

"Nothing. Just stop asking." she said. Her forehead are still creasing and I can't help to be curious.

I tried to remember all that happened this morning but I knew she's in good mood. But when we entered the café, her happy mood changes into this. My lips formed a little curve when I remember how she glare at the waitress a while ago.

"Nishimiya, is this about the waitress?" I ask and I can't stop my lips from forming a smile.

She turned to look at me. "Shut up."

"So, am I right?" I ask again and I saw her sulked but eventually, she nodded at me before looking away.

A smile managed to show on my lips and I was about to say something to her, but the waitress earlier came and gave us our order. I gave her the bill before she smiled sweetly at me and leaving me and Nishimiya alone.

I saw Nishimiya's expression turned more worst than before.

"Come here." I commanded her to move her chair next to mine and she followed me instantly.

"Nishimiya, don't mind that waitress from earlier, okay? You're the one I love and don't worry, I won't replace you to any girl or to anyone. Nishimiya, aishiteimasu and I'm sincere and serious about my feelings. So don't be mad, please? I want the happy and cheerful Shouko Nishimiya I know back." I explained and she turned to look at me.

"Is that true?" her angry expression lessen.

I nodded at her as assurance. "You're the only one. Now, let's finish our foods up. I want to bring you to places that will sure make you happy, okay?"

I saw her nodded that made me glad that she's not angry anymore. "Okay. I love you back, Ishida."
"I love you more back."

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