Chap 11: Ueno

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Ueno's Point of View
"Sayonara Oka-san!" I said as I wear my shoes and arrange my striped shirt and skirt outfit. Mom smiled at me from behind as she answered take care.

I nod at her before leaving the house and getting my bicycle leaning against the wall. I'm actually planning to go and see the Nishimiya's before they leave to Tokyo, and to be honest, even though they'll only stay there for days, I know I'll miss them. Especially Shouko Nishimiya.

I rode my bike down the streets and when I was near at the train station where they'll be waiting for the train, my eyes landed on Hiroshi-kun which is walking towards the train station.

Suddenly, I felt aggravated. What the hell? Is he planning to go and see Nishimiya Shouko. Well, that can't be right. What is Hiroshi-kun meets Ishida inside? What if an argument will occur if those two rivals met?

Well what I know is, that will be a big trouble.
I paddled my bike fast towards Hiroshi-kun who's busy looking at the road he's walking at. And before he could walk away, I blocked him from walking. Making him look at me with his irritated facial expression.

"What do you want?" he ask me bravely. His forehead's creased as he look straight at me, no, more like glare at me.

I coughed. "Well, what I want is for you to stop courting Nishimiya."

His facial expression changed into a serious one. "Stop? Well, that won't happen. I love Nishimiya Shouko and I won't stop until she loves me back the way I love her."

I clenched my fist, but before I could answer..
"Not a chance, Hiroshi."
I look behind me and there, I saw Nagatsuka-kun crossed arms, and the others, Kawai, Sahara, Yuzuru, and Ishida.

But.. Where's Shouko?

I looked around but I was failed to see her.

"She's with Oka-san. They went at the supermarket to buy some food for the trip." Yuzu said. I just nodded at her before looking at Hiroshi who looks all pale.

"Hiroshi," Yuzu turned her look at Hiroshi. "I want you to give up. Don't you know Shouko, I mean, Onee-chan loves Ishida so please, stop hurting yourself."

I saw Hiroshi looked at Ishida badly before looking back at Yuzuru. He's about to open his mouth to say something but he just shook his head before looking at me.

"I want to talk to you. Later. 5 PM. At the café nearby this place." He said as he look straight at me. My forehead creased automatically but I didn't gave my comeback to him.

Well first of all, what does he want? Why does he want to talk to me? About what and why?

Those questions ran inside my mind after he left without my answer. I was confused, even Kawai and Nagatsuka asks what is it about but I just shrugged my shoulders at them.

And before we could go and see Ms. Nishimiya and Shouko, I have made my mind.

Maybe, I just have to go and meet him.
Yuzu's Point of View
Ueno Naoka stayed silent after Hiroshi asked her to meet up with him later. To be honest, I am really curious to know what it is and I wanted to ask Ueno about it until she gives us the answer but I guess she herself can't determine what it is.

And if I wanted to know it, then I'll make up a plan how to know it. That's me. And I'll do anything just to know the story of an object or situation. And in times like this, I guess I have to do some research and a bit of investigations to know it all.
"There you are." said Oka-san who looks all set in her winter-like outfit. Our baggages are behind her and Onee-chan who's standing beside her.

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