Chap 9: Troubles

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[A/N: Okay... I just noticed some of Nishimiya Shouko's lines in this story aren't underlined. So... Please just correct it in your minds. And daijōbou, I'll edit it once again if I've got spare time. :) And also, sorry I took months (or a year, rather) to finish this one. I don't have excuses. I'm procrastinating. ≧∇≦)
Yuzuru's Point of View
"Don't feel nervous, Yuzu. Just believe that you'll pass this photo taking contest." Said my Mom as she pat my back. I smiled at her a little as we walk around the park.

Today's Saturday and I can't believe how time passes by this fast. I'll be knowing the results for photo taking contest by Monday and to be honest, I don't want to keep my hopes high but I can't help it.

I have this feeling that I'll win this contest because of Mom's encouragement.

"Here," I turned my head to look at Mom who's offering me an orange juice in a pack. My forehead creased. Where did that came from?

"Arigato," I just answered before getting it. I drank it up and when it got empty, I threw it in a nearby trash can.

"Mom, what will you react if I didn't won the competition?" I ask absentmindedly.

She sighed before giving me a slight smile, "I don't care if you lose Yuzuru. All that matters is you did your best in the competition. And I'm proud of you for being a hardworking girl."

I automatically smiled after knowing her point. Honestly, I think I'm the luckiest daughter for having an Oka-san like her.
And I hope Onee thinks the same thing.
Ishida's Point of View
"Meet up, huh?" I ask as I clenched my fist after getting an e-mail from Hiroshi-kun. Yes, Hiroshi.

My greatest rival.

I was actually checking my e-mail when this suddenly showed up. And I can't really help to feel bad about Hiroshi wanting to meet up with me.

Let me guess, he wants me to stay away from Nishimiya, eh?

I sighed heavily before logging out. If he wants to meet up with me, then let it be. I'll be meeting up with him to finish this argument.
When I got near the park he told me, I automatically saw him glaring bad at me. My forehead creased. What the hell.

"Here I am." I said when I got near him. He stood up from the bench to face me, irritation is written all over his face.

This guy must have hated me so much, huh?

"I want you to stay away from Shouko Nishimiya."

My forehead creased after hearing his straight forward words. He's telling me to stay away from Nishimiya? Well, damn that! He doesn't even know how long I've been with Nishimiya. So how dare he tell me this without hesitation.

Damn that.

"Who are you to command me to stay away from her?" I ask wildly. I saw his fist clenched, but eventually, he gave me an evil smirk.

"I'm her boyfriend."
[Ueno's Point of View]
"Ueno?! What happened?!" My mom rushed towards me from upstairs.

I breathed heavily as I looked at her before looking at the broken glass cup down the floor.

"I'm sorry, oka-san." I said as I stood up before slightly bowing down at her.

To be honest, I don't know but from the moment the glass cup fell down the floor, I know something bad happened to one of my friends.

I just hoped it's not true.
I rest down my bed after cleaning the broken glass downstairs. It's already 7 PM but honestly, I can't sleep without knowing what's this emotion I'm feeling right now.

I know I can't be wrong. Something must have happened.

I sat down my bed as I stared at my phone that's silently lying down the sidetable. I breathe in and out before getting it. I layed down again on my bed as I scrolled down my contacts.

And suddenly, I just found myself typing a message for Ishida-kun.
Subject: None
To: Ishida-kun

I have a feeling that something bad happened to you. Please tell me. I'll be here waiting.
I breathed heavily before leaving my phone on the side table. I waited for a moment but when I didn't get a response, I just positioned myself on bed before my eyes slowly close to sleep.
Yuzuru's Point of View

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I repeated the same words in my mind when Ishida-kun ask me about Onee chan having a boyfriend. But come to think of it... She's not telling it to oka-san or even me. So...

I don't think Onee chan having a boyfriend isn't true.

"Leave this to me," I said to Ishida. Actually, he looks awful. I guess he cried all night after knowing this rumor. Jeez, I can't believe I need to do a bridge for these two to get close.


"I'll talk to onee, okay? Everything will be alright. Daijobou." I said before running towards Onee-chan's room. When I got infront of her door, I leaned my ear towards the door.

But I don't think Onee's doing something.

"Um, Onee?" I knocked two times at her door. It seems so silent inside so I got worried. Did something happened to her? I must know.

I gently opened the door and I slightly and carefully peeked in. She's inside, lying dowm her bed and her pink blanket is covered all over her body.

"Onee, are you okay?" I ask.

She turned around to look at me before smiling. "Hai."

I sighed in relief before going towards her on bed. "Onee, is it true that you're in a relationship with Hiroshi-kun?"

In a blink, her eyes widened as she sit down her bed. "Yuzuru, where did that came from?"

I smiled weakly.

Ishida will be happy to know this.

"Nothing. I just thought you're in a relationship with him."

She manages to smile even though confusion is written all over her face.

"Rest now, Onee chan. I need to go somewhere else." I said as I stood up.

Still confused, she just nodded at me before lying back on bed. After knowing she'll be fine, I went out her door to go and check Ishida outside.

And as I take my steps towards Ishida, I know my plan has started...
A/N: Someone commented on the previous chapter of my story. And without you, I won't continue write this story. Hehehe, you know who you are, and I just wanna say Arigato gozaimasu~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Yes, I'll try to relieve my readers ; >
[Next Update: On SATURDAY]

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