Chap 12: Video Call

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A/N: I know I take too long to update so I'm saying my apologies. I've just procrastinated too much. But not right now 'cause we're busy practicing our recognition/ graduation song. Haha, good luck for me on April 2~!
So here's another update. Enjoy~

Nagatsuka's Point of View
"Come on, Ishida. Cheer up." I said as I look at him. I even poked his right cheek 'cause he's looking from a far, really ignoring the fact that I'm calling him.

We're actually in a neko café and all that Kawai did is touch and pat almost all the cats in this place. It was cute tho. But what we should put all our attentions to is Ishida. He really looks gloomy ever since the Nishimiya's left to Tokyo. And as his friend, I'm sad for his temporary lost.

"Ishida." called Kawai in a soft voice. But Ishida kept on showing his pokerfaced expression.

"Tch. This guy is really testing me." said Ueno. I gulped before looking at her, who looks like wanting to murder someone because of her sharp glares on Ishida.
I felt something bad is going to happen.
I was about to say something to her but,
"What the f, Ueno?!" said Ishida as he angrily look at Ueno who looks all satisfied on hitting Ishida's head using her sling bag.

Yep, she actually did. But I was thankful that Ishida's back on his senses.

"Chill down, Ueno." said Sahara as she looks at Ueno, all worried.

"Nah, he deserves it." said Ueno before sitting down on her chair. Ishida irritatedly replied on her statement.

"Tch. You guys don't need to brutally hit me just to call me. That's absolutely irritating, don't you know that?" said Ishida as he took a sip from his cup.

I looked at him before saying, "You just don't know how many times we've call you for your attention. But seems like you're totally preoccupied."

"Tch." he sighed in defeat before tracing the mouth of his cup using his pointer finger.

Ever since they left, his words are full of sarcasm or something not-so-pleasant-to-hear words. And as his friends, we hated it. The reason why we planned for this hangout is to make him happy, or even make him forget that the Nishimiya's went to Tokyo just even for a day, but the atmosphere today's all gloomy.

And we all can't even handle it.
"So dramatic." a voice said so we all looked behind us and there, we saw Hiroshi-kun holding a bouquet of roses.

Our forehead creased. "For whom are those flowers?"

"For the girl who's going to save me from heartbreak." he looked at Ueno Naoka and when we understand what he means, we all teased Ueno to accept the flowers.

"You don't actually need to do this." Ueno said before accepting the flowers Hiroshi-kun wanting to give her.

Hiroshi just smiled, "Anything for you, my Ueno."
"What the—" exclaimed Hiroshi to Sahara. Yeah, she took a photo of Hiroshi and Ueno smiling at each other. Haha, I bet they look cute on that pic.

"I'll send this to the Nishimiyas." said Sahara, happily. I saw Ishida just glanced at Ueno and Hiroshi before looking away.

"Daijobou. Ishida, once the Nishimiyas went home. We'll help you set a surprise for her, or them, okay?" said Ueno. I looked at her before smiling. This girl, she's really an understanding girl and I admire her for being like that.

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