Chap 2: Amusement Park

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Ishida's Point of View
Silence covered us for a while when we've decided to go to Kawai's house. As we walk towards her house, I could hear our footsteps as we take each step. Which could really be so deaf-ing to my ears.

"Are we far yet?" Ask Ueno Naoka from behind.

Yeah, I could really ask the same thing to myself, or to others. But I guess we're not that far from hers by this moment.

"Nope, I guess." I answered as I kept on looking at the road. When we have finally reached to her house, we caught her watering the flowers on their front yard.

"Oh, yo guys!" She screamed to us in delight as we came closer to her place. Nishimiya then ran towards her then she greeted Kawai with a tight hug.

"Hey, Kawai-san," I greeted. Nishimiya eventually loses her grip at Kawai then she raised her hands to tell Kawai something.

"How are you, Kawai-chan?" As Nishimiya as she smile lightly.

"I'm fine,"  Kawai answered as she take her neon green gloves off her hands. After she answers Nishimiya's question, she eventually move to go inside her house.

"Just wait for a bit, okay? I'll change for a moment." Excuse Kawai. We smiled at her as an acceptance then she made her way to her room.

As we waited here for Kawai to get done, Yuzuru began to set her camera to capture some sceneries she could ever capture. On the other hand, Naoka is here, reading a manga book and the others talk about stuffs as they laugh and smile.

In my peripheral vision, I can see Nishimiya picking the flower's petals one by one.

I tilt my head a little.

"Na-ni?" Said Nishimiya as she try to pronounce it right. She also tilt her head as she look at me with her light brown eyes. Which is really kawaii.

I smiled at her a little before answering her question. "Nande."
"So, where are we going first?" Ask Yuzuru.

We've already got here inside the amusement park and some of my friends already got excited for the rides.

I looked around the place as I can see random people talking to their partners. I can also see some kids eating their pop corns or cotton candies which made me a little bit starved but it would be lot of fun if we first take the rides.

"Let's ride the roller coaster first!" Shouted Kawai as she point her finger towards the roller coaster ride which is not so far from where we're standing.

I looked at Nishimiya and she seems fine to ride that thrilling ride so, I guess, we could go there right now.

"Yeah, let's go." I smiled at my friends then we immediately ran towards the lane.
The lane might be that long but it's fine. We're not really in a hurry.

As we waited for the lane to move, we talked about the next rides we're going to ride after this one.

"Let's take the ferris wheel next," smiled Nagatsuka which was eating a popcorn.

Where did that came from?

"No, let's take.. Merry go round?" Smiled Naoka unsurely.

I looked around everyone but I noticed someone is missing. "Guys, where's Ueno?"

"Hmm, she did disappear." Added Nagatsuka.

"Ma'am, Sir." A voice cutted in between our talk. We looked in front then we saw the assistant holding the door which means, it's our turn to ride.

"Wow, our talk might be that long," giggled Yuzuru which made us laugh a little before riding the roller coaster.

Maybe we could find Ueno later.

"Hey, guys!" Before the cart could ever move, a familiar voice welcomed our ears.

"Saha-ra!" Shouted Nishimiya which was beside me on the seat. And, which was kind of weird.

We looked at where she was observing then she was right.


With Ueno?

"Heyo!" Shouted Ueno as she smile at us kindly. Oh no, I think this would be a trouble to me.

"Hey Sahara! Did you guys got your tickets? Ueno, I thought you disappeared." Shouted Kawai which was on the very back of the cart.

"Yeah, we've got ours." Shouted Sahara.

"No, I won't be lost. I just fetch Sahara."
"Oh then, hop in!"
At last, we're finally complete. Sahara and Ueno are behind Kawai and Yuzuru, so, the ride will start in any seconds.

"You guys ready?" Ask the assistant.

All of us nodded as some of us shivered a little. To be honest, the rails were high on the sky so it might be too scary for some of us.

I turn my head towards Nishimiya then I've suddenly felt nervous when I saw her shiver a little.

"Ish-ida?" She called to me. I looked at her then suddenly the cart moved up towards the sky.

"Nani, Nishimiya?" I ask her as I can see her closed her eyes. I did the same then I lay back to my seat to feel a little bit comfort.

As I close my eyes, I suddenly felt a warm, soft hand held mine. I opened my eyes then I eventually looked at Nishimiya which was still closing her eyes tight.

I felt the wind come towards us as Nishimiya still hold my hand, I smiled as I look at our hands together then a thought came in my mind.

I moved towards Nishimiya's ear to say...
"Daijōbou, Nishimiya. I'm here to comfort you."

Healing Hearts: A Silent Voice Epilogue (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now