Chap 16: June 7th Wish

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Chapter 16
June 7th Wish
Ishida's Point of View
It's six in the evening when we finished our date. I can really say that I had fun being with her for the whole day. But I guess I have to bring her home before seven.

"Ishida? Is Onee chan still with you?" Yuzuru called me and these are the first lines she greeted me.

"Yes." I looked behind me to see Nishimiya's holding her teddy bear tightly. "I moved away so I can answer your call privately."

"Wakata. You can bring her home now." she simply answered so I nodded as if she's in front of me. "Okay, I will."

"Good. Take care." she added before ending the call. I put my phone back to my pocket then I turned to walk towards Nishimiya.

"Nishimiya, I guess I have to bring you home. Your imouto called me." I said. She just nodded at me as an answer before holding my arm as we walk away the amusement park.
"We're already here." I said when we reached the door of their house. I saw Nishimiya's forehead creased for their house is so silent and it doesn't even have a single light inside it.

"Did they leave?" Nishimiya ask, dumbfounded. I just chuckled at her cute expression but I managed to answer back.

"No. I guess they're asleep." I said smiling before opening the door of their house. And in a blink, all the lights opened in their sala and everyone shouted in unison.

"Happy Birthday Shouko Nishimiya!!"

They greeted us. I can see helium balloons floating on every corner of their sala. Even long balloons that they're holding to make the place colorful. And how they wore those party hats just to make Nishimiya's birthday more special and cheerful.

"Happy Birthday, onee chan!" Yuzu shouted as she hugged Nishimiya tightly who's still dumbfounded about the whole surprise.

We actually planned all of this. Even waking Nishimiya up early in the morning and about the date. I ask her and thankfully, she agrees to have a date with me again. 'Cause in that way, I know they'll have enough time to prepare for the surprise. And I was thankful it went well.

"Thank you everyone." Nishimiya almost teared up as she walked towards all of them to hug them one by one.

After the greetings, we took the cake from the kitchen and I saw Nishimiya's favorite cake. We went towards her, as the candles are all lit up, waiting for the birthday girl to blow them off.

"Nishimiya, make a wish." Ms. Nishimiya said as she smile. Nishimiya nodded before closing her eyes to wish silently before opening them again to blow the candles.
"What did you wish?" I managed to ask when we're all sitting down, eating the piece of cake we have on our plates.

She turned to look at me but she shrugged before placing her plate down on her lap. "It's a secret."

I just sulked at her but I didn't fought anymore. If she doesn't want to tell me, then I'll let her be.

"Happy Birthday, Shouko!" said Kawai as she gave her a rectangular shaped present. Nishimiya then gestured 'thank you' as an answer before giving Kawai a hug.

Yuzu, Sahara, Ueno, Nagatsuka, and even Hiroshi also gave presents to her and I was thankful they gave Nishimiya a smile on her face.

I turned to look at Nishimiya before getting my present from my bag. "Happy Birthday, Shouko Nishimiya." I sweetly said as I hand her my gift.

"You don't have to give one. Just by asking me for a date is enough." She smiled at me before getting the present.

"I still want to give you 'cause it's your birthday, Nishimiya." I said. "And because, aishiteimasu."

I saw Nishimiya blushed after hearing my words. After our moment, we said our wish for her one by one and I can say Nishimiya Shouko's touched on every words and wishes we say for her.

After the celebration, Sahara's the first one to bid us goodbye 'cause her hometown's far from us while Ueno, Hiroshi, Kawai, and Nagatsuka are staying for they volunteered to help the Nishimiyas' clean the whole place.

"Hiroshi, you can go home now." Ueno said to him but he refuses.

"I'm not. Not until you're home. So, after we clean this place, I'll bring you home. The street's are dangerous when it's night." said Hiroshi and all that Ueno can do is to agree on Hiroshi's offer.

"Well, Ueno. Is Hiroshi courting you, for real?" ask Kawai teasingly. We saw Ueno blushed so we all chuckled.

"Yes, I am." Hiroshi suddenly said that made us stop. Ueno just changed the topic after that.

"When will you guys go home?" she ask. Kawai and Nagatsuka answered that they need to go right now for Hiroshi's right about the streets.

"Okay then, sayonara!" Yuzuru said as the two walk away from us. The two also bid their goodbyes until they're out of our sights.

"Come on, Hiroshi. I'll be going home." said Ueno before walking away but she turned to look at Ms. Nishimiya, who's washing the plates at the kitchen.

"Sayonara Ms. Nishimiya. We'll be off now." said Ueno, smiling. Ms. Nishimiya bid goodbyes and goodlucks to them until the only person left on the sala room is me and Shouko Nishimiya. My sight silently looked for Yuzuru until I saw her helping Ms. Nishimiya on the dishes.

"I-ishi..da.. aren't you going home?" I turned my look at Nishimiya, who's tilting her head slightly which makes her more cute.

I smiled at her. "I want to be with you more."

I saw her blushed and I was about to greet her Happy Birthday again but in a blink, I felt soft arms surrounded my body. I looked down slowly and there, I saw Nishimiya Shouko hugging me so tight.

I secretly smiled then I hugged her back. "Happy Birthday again, Shouko Nishimiya."

She looked at me before letting go of the hug. "Do you want to know my wish?"

I frozed a bit before nodding. "Of course."

I saw her smile before tucking her hair behind her ear. "I wish for the health of my family and friends and, I wish we will be together forever." she shyly said.

I frozed for a bit. She wished for that? I can't help but to smile wide after repeating her words in my mind. Of course Nishimiya and I will, we will make it 'til the end. We just need to trust.

"Of course we will, Nishimiya. We will." I assured her. She looked into my eyes then I felt her stood up on my feet before giving me a peck on my left cheek.
"N-nishimiya... D-did you just.... k-kiss-"

"Good night, Ishida. You can go home now. Thank you for this day." she cheerfully gestured before getting all of her gifts which are resting above the couch and leaving me standing alone.

"Oh, Ishida. You're still here? Are you waiting for onee chan? She's upstairs. Wait, I'll call her—" Yuzu haven't finished her sentence when I immediately said mine.

"No need." I smiled at her widely. "It's fine if I can't see her again, she made my day anyways."

Her forehead creased but I just bid her goodbye before leaving their house to go home.

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