Chap 7: In Trouble

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Yuzuru's Point of View
"Later everyone," said our professor as he leave our room.

Man, Thursday might be tiring but this means that weekends are about to happen.
Our next class is coming so I immediately took the picture me, Nagatsuka-kun and Ishida-kun took. To be honest, I've been looking at this all night.

Maybe I'm just too excited for the contest.

"Professor is here!" Shouted one of my classmates. He immediately ran towards his chair as I can see my classmates taking their taken pictures from their bags.

Here it is.

"Okay class, did everyone of you took pictures?" Some of my classmates nodded, and I'm one of them.

"How about the others?" Ask our professor as she look at some of my classmates like an eagle.

"Uhm, I forgot it."

"I didn't got the time to, gommene."

"Gommene, Ma'am. I left it."

"Mine's lost."
I'd heard random reasons from my classmates, which is the reason that made my professor aggravated.

Oh no.

"Detention, now." Said our professor as she point at the open door.

My classmates followed then when they've left, our professor comes back to her chair. "Okay, pass all your pictures. Make sure they all got names."

Oh I almost forgot, or should I say, I really forgot. I took a pen then I flipped the picture to write down my name.

I hope I win.
Ishida's Point of View
"Don't worry man, after this, we could go somewhere we would like to go," Nagatsuka-kun comforted me as we sat by the court floor doing a P.E. exercise.

Yah right.

Today was so hectic because of this advanced P.E class but it's fine, I guess. Our professor just told us that we could stay at our homes by tomorrow because all of our professors will be guests at the contest.

And, of course, I'm so excited.

Maybe by tomorrow, I'll drop by Nishimiya's house so we could go hangout again. Well, its fine if Yuzu would come. She always come along whenever me and Shouko got a hang...


I remembered.

If Yuzuru win the contest, me and Shouko couldn't have the chance to hangout by three days because they need to stay at Tokyo for the grand competition.
But, I want to talk to Nishimiya by now. I wanna tell her that I'll be missing her. Seriously.


"Ahh, hai?!" I ask as I look at him directly. I might be thinking to deep.

Maybe, I must do it and don't just think of it.

"Dude, you fine?"


"Hai. Mochiron." I answered.

"Oh great. Dude, we need to leave. Others were already walking back to our classroom."

"Eh?!" I looked around the place and Nagatsuka-kun's right. We must be heading back right now.

"Come on, stand up. Classes will be dismissed. I'm so excited!" Shouted Nagatsuka-kun as it echo around the court.

"Haha. Yeah," I said weakly as I stood up as I pat my bottom to get the dirt off.

"Come on, Ishida, let's leave,"

Yuzuru's Point of View
"Onee-chan!" I shouted across the hallway of Nishimiya's school as I can see her from a far distance. I ran towards her because Mom told me that I should fetch onee from school.

"Yuduru!" She shouted as she ran towards me.

When I'm almost near to her, I ask her one thing. "Onee, what if Ishida-kun ask you to be his koibito. Will you accept it?" Here I am again, asking her awkward-to-answer questions.

"Eh? Koibito?" Repeated onee. Ha. And here she is again, getting red all over the face.

How kawaii of onee.

"So, will you accept it?" I ask again.

"Hai." My eyes suddenly widened when I saw her hands answer that word.

Oh. M. G.

I'll be a sister-in-law of Ishida if they continued til the end?

Ha ha ha ha ha.

I'm excited and at the same time, I'm nervous.

"Okay. Good luck," I winked at onee then we've continued walking on the road towards our house.
Onee seems silent on the way home. I might made her feel weird because of my question but she doesn't need to feel like that.

Ueno, me and the others are having a plan of getting them close together without letting onee and Ishida-kun know what we're planning.

As we walk pass Nagatsuka-kun's house, we saw Horishi; which Ishida-kun is jealous of.

"Hiro-shi!!" Shouted onee as she ran towards Hiroshi.

Oh man.

Luckily, Ishida-kun is not here or els--

"Yo, Yuzuru." Someone patted my back gently.

"Ouch," I shouted even though it doesn't hurt at all.

I looked behind me then I saw Ishida-kun with Nagatsuka on behind. Oh no, I smell trouble coming on our way.

"Don't be so sensitive, Yuzu." Laugh Ishida. I've began to shiver because Ishida might look in front then, he might be dead jealous again because he saw onee-chan's beside Hiroshi.

Oh man.

"No, I'm not," I answered absentmindedly as I keep my look still on Ishida's eyes, trying to guard his look like an eagle.
But, it's too late.
"Haha okay then--"
Here goes nothing.
To Be Continued. . .
Mochiron - of course

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