Chap 10: Memorable

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A/N: I just wanna say Hi to everyone who's reading and to those who's still continuing to support me and my stories~

Yuzuru's Point of View
It's Monday morning and the results for the winners of phototaking contest will be revealed tonight. I don't know but the more time passes by, the more I want to turn it back.
"Mom, what will you react if I didn't won the competition?" I ask absentmindedly.
She sighed before giving me a slight smile, "I don't care if you lose Yuzuru. All that matters is you did your best in the competition. And I'm proud of you for being a hardworking girl."
Yeah, hardworking person and at the same time, a weak person.

I just shook my head to remove the thought out of my mind. I can't believe I'm thinking this this morning.

Even though I'm in class.
"Okay class dismissed." our teacher said before getting her things and leave the classroom. I followed my look at her back until she vanished from my sight.

What if I try to ask her about the results? No, that's a stupid idea, Yuzuru.

Fine, I guess I have to wait.

We took our lunch break and I can't believe I'm getting near to the moment of knowing the results. The school will send an e-mail and I cried to Mom last night to not log out her e-mail on her phone. I just want to know it as fast as possible. Yes, I'm a weak person but I'm trying to face my fears.

To be a brave person.

The bells rang and when I was supposed to arrange my lunch box, someone shouted from behind.
My eyes widened when I saw it was Nagatsuka-kun, running as fast as he could towards me.

When he got near me, I stepped backwards before he could push me down.

"What the hell, Nagatsuka? What happened to you?!" I ask, exasperatedly.

He breathed in deeply before saying the words that shocked me.

"Ishida got chocolates and roses and when I ask him what those are for, he just answered, it's for Shouko-san!"

My forehead creased. I should be happy, but isn't it too fast?

I looked at Nagatsuka, still trying to catch his breath. "Where is he?"

He looked at me before pointing at the second floor hallway. I looked at where he's pointing at and there, I saw Ishida walking towards Onee's classroom.

What in the actual hell?

Classes starting and I know onee's teacher by now is somewhat strict. So, what if he stopped that teacher from discussion?

He might get into detention.
Oh no.
"Let's stop him." I said to Nagatsuka.

His forehead just creased. "Nani? I thought this is the plan?"

Yes, it is. But when I saw what's happening by now. I regretted what I said last time Ishida ask me if onee got a boyfriend.
"Ishida kun?" I said when I got near him.

He looked at me before smiling, weakly. "What did she say? Is it true? Tell me? Tell me I haven't yet lose."

I sighed heavily. "Gommenasai Ishida-kun. But it's true. Hiroshi-kun and onee are in a relationship."

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