Chap 14: Saturday

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Chapter 14
Ueno Naoka's Point of View
[2 days later]
I can still remember the day the Nishimiya's went home and we all had a great hangout together. It's been two days since it happens but I am happy to think about it everytime it flashes in my mind.

Yes and it's been two days but,

"Hiroshi.." I whispered his name when I saw him kneeled in front of me while staring onto my eyes with sincerity.

"I know we've just met each other last month but I am sincere this time. I know I say jokes but when I realized what I felt for you, I knew you've succeed my favor." he said.

My forehead creased. Succeed? Favor? So, I eventually succeed on making him get over Shouko?

I don't know if I should be happy but, I can't help but to feel sadness. Yes, I've succeed so, does it means we need to stop what we have right now?

I looked at him when he spoke again, "And I guess this is the right time we should stop what we have right now." he looked at me again.

"Can I start courting you? Formally?"

I frozed after realizing what he said. He.. likes me back? I can't believe it.

I looked at him and when I saw sincerity in his eyes, I was sure my questions were answered. He is sure serious about courting me.

I tried hiding the smile off my face. "Hm, let me think.." I said in order to tease him.

I saw him frowned. "Is that a no?"

I looked at him again before smiling. "Of course yes. You're allowed to court me, Hiroshi."

I saw his wide smile before standing up, making me look up at him for his height.

"Well, maybe we can have our first official date today?" He smirked.

I nodded at him before saying the words that made us go.
"Yes. I would love to."
Yuzu's Point of View
"Ishida." he turned to look at me.

"Hm?" he smiled. I smiled weakly at him before walking the distance we have.

"Ishida, I just want to tell you that I trust you. Mom and I trust you so please take care and love my onee chan truly and wholeheartedly. We really love onee chan so I just want to tell you, please don't break my onee Chan's heart, please? For us? For her?" I suddenly said. It's just... I really care for my onee chan and I know she loves Ishida kun so much. Mom and I are just afraid that she'll experience heartbreak and we don't want that to happen to her.

Ishida nodded. "Even if you don't tell me about that, I'll always love Shouko Nishimiya wholeheartedly. You know how much I love your sister. And yes, I may hurt her these past years but I'll never do it again."

I just smiled at him 'cause I can see sincerity written all over his face. I'm really proud Onee chan chose Ishida over Hiroshi.

"I'm done!" someone exclaimed and we turned to look at Onee chan who's dressed up in a light pink colored above-knee dress. I just smiled after seeing her presence. Onee chan's growing up so fast.

"You sure? You've brought everything you need?" Ishida ask once Onee chan walks towards us.

Onee chan shook her head. "Nope. I've double checked my things, and I'm all set."

Onee chan turned to look at me. "Am I fine on this dress?"

"Of course! I'm so proud of my beautiful onee chan!" I proudly exclaimed and I just saw her blushed. Actually, these two are planning to have a date again.

"Take care, Ishida kun and onee chan!" I shouted once they walked out of the house. They happily waved back at me and as they're out of my sight, I walked inside our house again. It's Saturday anyways, so I guess I'll lay down my bed, sleep, watch and eat all day.


I frozed for a bit before looking at the person who called me from behind.

And there, I saw Nagatsuka kun smiling at me. "Hey, Yuzu."

"Oh, 'sup, Nagatsuka? What brings you here?" I ask as I smile. I saw him scratches his nape before looking away.

"I actually want to ask you for a hangout. If you want we can ask Ueno, Kawai, Hiroshi and Sahara." he suggested but I just chuckled after seeing him shyly looking away.

"Yeah, we can. I actually don't have anything to do today." I smiled.

He then nodded before looking back at me. "So, I guess I have to wait here."

"Yep, I'll be back. I'll just take my things." I smiled before rushing in our house. I took my camera with me and of course, I took my wallet before rushing down again to see Nagatsuka kun who's smiling at me once he saw my presence again.

He stood up to walk towards me. "Come on. We have a long day today."

"Yep. Let's go?" I smiled at we slowly walk away from the house.

He chuckled before looking at me. "Let's go."

Healing Hearts: A Silent Voice Epilogue (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now