Chap 10 pt. 2: Mixture = R²F²

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CHAPTER 10 part 2:

(Mixture = R²F²) Mixture = Result, Relationship, Friendship and Farewells
Yuzu's Point of View
My eyes slowly opened when I heard two weak knocks from my door. Even though I still want to stay in bed, I stood up, slowly and carefully, to walk towards the door.

When I opened it, I saw onee chan smiling weakly at me.

"What's wrong, onee chan?" I ask.

And her reply shocked me.

"Ishida's downstairs. He wants to inform oka-san about him courting me."

"Souka." I said as I try to hide my smile from onee chan. She just got red all over her face before looking away. After me having no response, she walked away, maybe to see what's going on our sala.

I sighed before getting myself ready.
I'm still remembering how onee chan blushed so hard yesterday. It made me laugh so she started to ignore me that day, but the blame shouldn't be put all on me. Kawai, Ueno and Nagatsuka also laughed hard that time. It's just really fun how onee blushed when Ishida gave her a tight hug. Haha.
And you know why I'm totally happy today?

When onee and I got home, excitement was written all over Mom's face as she walk towards me. I got confused that's why I ask her the reason.

And I got the answer on my question when she handed me her phone.

"An e-mail from school?"  I confusedly ask.

Then when I read the whole content, my eyes widened in surprise as I looked at Mom.

And yeah...

I won the photo taking contest.
I smiled before going down the stairs to see oka-san, onee and Ishida. I can't still believe that I'll leave this house for more than a day.

I'll miss this.

"Oka-san," I called for Mom. She looked at me and surprisingly, she smiled.

I froze for a second. So oka-san isn't mad about Ishida courting onee?

"Did you know that Ishida-kun's courting Shouko?" Mom ask. I gulped before nodding. When I completely went downstairs, I sat beside Ishida on the couch.

So it means I'm on the right side of Ishida while onee chan's on the left. And oka-san's infront of us, also sitting on her favorite couch.

I gulped once again. Why does it feels like the three of us are in detention? And oka-san's the principal..?


I wish everything will be alright before we leave for Tokyo.

"Wakata." she looked at Ishida. "Are you serious about courting her?"

"Hai. Onegaishimasu. Let me court her." I frozed when Ishida stood up and bow down to oka-san without hesitation.

I looked at oka san and she just nodded at Ishida-kun. Suddenly, silence covered us for a couple of minutes before,
"Hai, Ishida-kun. You can court my daughter."
In a blink, I saw joy, excitement and relief in Ishida's face. She stood up straight before saying his thanks and other appreciation words and stuffs. I just sighed in relief.
I guess these two will nearly have their happy ever after.
And I can't wait 'til we all watch these two lovebirds having their own world.
[Monday Night]
"Yuzu, we'll be leaving tomorrow. Are your things packed already?" mom ask as she beamed at me. Onee chan's in her room, getting her things pack and if I haven't told you yet, after Ishida got approved by oka-san, he immediately asks Onee chan for a date. (~^~^)~

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