Chap 6: Oyasumi

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Ishida's Point of View

I woke up from bed with a very ache on my head. I can't move from my bed even an inch so, I decided that I wouldn't be in school at this day.

I rest my head at the pillow then at this morning, I just stared at the sun which is lighting up my face because of its rays. I can also hear those chirping birds as they dance by the air.

I've been thinking about the reason why I began to avoid Nishimiya's presence. Well, maybe I'd been varied away with the angry I've felt that day.

And, at this moment, I just realized that I can't live without talking to Nishimiya or, without seeing her smiles and without hearing her laughs.

I want to apologize by now. I want to say sorry to her for being a little rude.

I wish I can take back the time.
"Shou-chan." Called someone to me, and I believe that's Mom.

"Hey, Mom." I said as I sat down the bed weakly.

She smiled before entering my room, bringing a tray with a bowl of hot soup above. "Here,"

I smiled at her before getting the bowl. "Arigato."
I drank the hot soup then, when I have done drinking it, 4 small knocks suddenly broke the silence inside my room.

"Come in," I said as I waited for the person who knocked at my door. Lemme guess, it's Maria.

"Kon'nichiwa, Shou-tan!" Shouted Maria. She smiled at me widely as her eyes' size shrink.

I was right.

"What brings you here?" I ask Maria kindly as I gesture at her to come near me. She did get the memo so she followed.

"Shou-tan? Someone's waiting for you outside," I gave her a curious look.

Waiting for me?
I came down the stairs then when I've reached the door, I opened it and the person that burst upon me was...


"Yo," she greeted. I greeted back to her unsurely.

"Why aren't you at school?" She ask me.

"Actually, I'm going to ask the same question to you." I answered with a little hint of sarcasm in my tone.

She's supposed to be at school at this morning. But it's fine, I guess, lunch break is happening in any minutes at school by now.

"I know what you're thinking and I guess, you're right. Lunch is starting. Anyways, how about you? Why aren't you at school?" She ask as she holds her camera.

Seriously, does she always bring that everywhere?

"I have a headache. Say, Yuzuru. Why are you here?" I ask to change the topic.

"Uhm.." She said as she play her fingers. "I want you to help me to take a great scenery picture?"


A scenery picture?

"Ah right." I said as if a lightened bulb showed above my head. "Come with me. We'll visit a friend."

"A friend?"

"Hai." I answered as I took her hand to get ourselves to our friend's house.
"Kon'nichiwa." Greeted Yuzu as she bow her head down. Of course, I did the same thing.

"Is Nagatsuka-kun there?" I ask politely to his Mom.

"Hai." She answered as she open the door wider. "Come in."
"Nagatsu!" Called his Mom. We were actually here at their sala waiting for him.

Healing Hearts: A Silent Voice Epilogue (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now