Chap 18: Graduates

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Chapter 18

Kawai's Point of View
"1, 2, 3, THROW!!" shouted our classroom president and all of us threw all our graduation hats high up on the air. It immediately feel down and before mine reached on the ground, I took in and wore it again. My smile was still plastered all over my face even though our graduation ceremony is already done and all I can see are countless graduate students who's hugging and embracing their friends, relatives or their families. Of course, I also,  embraced and even cried on my parent's shoulders as I hugged them tight.

I know they're also proud of me. And of course, to my very close and true friends.

"Kawai! Come here! Let's take a picture!" Ishida shouted and I immediately ran towards them as the camera's 4 steps away from us.

Yuzuru immediately set the timer of the camera and before the countdown started, she ran fast towards us and as the camera flashed in front of us, I knew we're already a family and we will always be.
Ueno's Point of View
"Aww, thank you Hiroshi." I said when I got a bouquet of white, fresh flowers from him. I even heard my classmates teasing me but I don't care. I'm feeling euphoria more that he's already here by my side, in my graduation.


I looked to someone so familiar. And I saw my parents, gazing at my koibito. [Koibito—boyfriend]

"A-ah, right." I exclaimed before looking at Hiroshi and back to my parents. "Mom, Dad, this is Hiroshi, my koibito. I forgot to tell you. And Hiroshi, my parents." I shyly said.

"Do you really love my daughter?" my Dad ask Hiroshi so seriously. Hiroshi gulped first before smiling.

"Of course. I really do. And I'm willing to wait for years until we'll get married and have our own, happy life."

I saw Dad and Mom smiled. "That answers enough. Welcome to the family, Hiroshi. Don't ever break us trust or I'll break your bones." laughed Dad.

Hiroshi just smiled after hearing his statement. And me, I don't really know if I should feel happy or ashamed. But nevermind that, I'm happy that finally, everything goes well between us and around us.
Yuzuru's Point of View
"Congratulations~!" I widely smiled at Onee chan who's hugging me so tight right now.

After the hug, she faced me and gestured, "Thanks for everything, Yuzu."

I nodded at her then we went outside the house where everyone's waiting for us to get ready. Actually, we all planned for a celebration at a restaurant, again, and I was thankful it is going successful.

I am really happy when I saw smiles written all over their faces. They're so happy and yet, I am much feeling happy for them all. I know time will pass and I'll be there, I'll be in their state right now, and I can't wait until I can say to myself that I'm a graduate student.

After our little celebration, some of us went home already and when Ishida, Onee chan and I are left, I can't help but to ask a question that I know will make them feel super embarrassment.

"Onee, when will you answer Ishida?"

Silence covered us and I know, Onee chan's already red all over the face.

"I'm not actually in a hurry, Yuzu." smiled Ishida but I heard Onee chan coughed in between my conversation with Ishida.

"Soon I will." smiled Onee chan.

I can't help but to feel excited for that day. And I'm sure they'll reach until the end. They just need to trust and stay faithful to each other.

And man, I can't wait until I see my Onee chan wearing her gown for the marriage. ^____^

"Bye Yuzu! Bye Nishimiya!" shouted Ishida as he walk towards his house. He's still waving at us so we waved back.

"Bye Ishida!" I smiled and Onee chan just kept on waving her hand up on the air.

I even saw Ishida mouthed the words 'I love you' to Onee chan and I can't help but to smile after seeing Onee blushed all over her face.

Man, their sweetness is all over the place. I just wished they'll be together 'til the end of time.

When Ishida's gone on our sights, I turned to look at Onee chan, smiling.

"Onee chan."


I smiled before placing my hands on chest level, "I received a text from one of our friend from abroad."

"Friend?" she asked.

"Yes, I hope you still remember him. For now, let's hurry and go back home before dark." I smiled at her and even though curiosity is written all over her face, she didn't bother to ask.
But daijobou, Onee chan. He'll be showing up tomorrow morning. :)
Lame and yet, Short Update.

(2 chapters left before 2 epilogues! ;)

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