Epilogue [2/2]

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[15 years more]
"Hiroto-nii san!" shouted Shiya from the hallway. Almost everyone turned to her as she smile so wide to a specific person, not noticing the crowd surrounding her.

I guess, Shiya Ishida really turned into a fine highschool girl.

"Oh, you're there! Ohayo." greeted Hiroto. Shiya walked towards her as her two more friends, Hinata Nagatsuka, who's 2 years younger than her and the daughter of Yuzuru and Tomohiro Nagatsuka , and her other friend, Yuzuki, the daughter of Miki Kawai and Tachi.

"Sayonara~ see you later!" Yuzuki and Hinata bid their goodbyes to Shiya 'cause they're in a different classrooms.

"Bye!" Shiya said back. She went to Hiroto who's waiting from the other side of the hallway.

"Ohayo." said Hiroto again before they walked to go to their classroom. The two are classmates and even though they had hardships and arguments, there friendship stayed until they grow up in highschool students.
Shiya's Point of View
"Yey! Class is done!" smiled Hiroto then he grabbed me on my hand. "Let's go and buy some ice cream."

I smiled at him before nodding as we ran across the hallways and outside the school. When we saw an ice cream vendor, we immediately ran happily towards him, who's still busy talking to some kids.

"Chocolate and Strawberry." smiled Hiroto.

I smiled at him, "You already know?"

"Yes, of course."

After we got our cold ice creams, we saw Hinata and Yuzuki happily waving at us. Since Hiroto-nii san already know these two, we immediately got along together.

We went home as we walk down the streets. Passing by some trees and establishments around us. I sighed from this place I've lived in. Time really passed by so fast. But I know, I'll forever cherish the moments I'm with my most loved ones; my family, my relatives, and my friends.

I looked at each one of them as they happily talk and laugh to each other.

Then suddenly, I felt Hiroto-nii san rested his arm on my shoulder.

"Are you feeling alright, Shiya?" he worriedly asked.

I smiled at him.
And then, I thought to myself.....
"Of course, I'm always fine."
A new cycle of friendship and love begins.
A/N: Yey~ xoxo :)

Healing Hearts: A Silent Voice Epilogue (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now