Epilogue [1/2]

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You've reached their happily ever after epilogue!
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[13 years later]


Third Person POV
Time really passed by so fast. They already graduated high school and also, in college. Everyone goes on their own paths in life but still, friendship and love rules each one of them that made them unite as one.

As a family.
As of Nishimiya and Ishida, they made their own happily ever after and they're living in the same roof after their marriage, of course.

To Yuzuru, she's in Tokyo. Making the most out of her talents and skills. She's one of the most known photographer and she might be too far to reach but she never forget the home and of course, her friends which she spend many memories with.

To Ueno and Hiroshi, they lived same as Ishida's and Nishimiya's. Problems sometimes came in their lives but still, they made it 'til the end.

To Nagatsuka, well, he's courting Yuzuru Nishimiya. And of course, we still don't know if Yuzuru answered him but still, we'll try to figure out what happened. ;)

To Miki Kawai, she became one of the most successful business woman. She have everything and same as Yuzuru, she'll never forget her home and her special, certain friends.

To Sahara, she's married to her loved one, and also living their happily ever after.

And lastly to Tachi, funny to say but he's also courting Miki Kawai that lasts for 2 years. And finally, Kawai learned to love him back and eventually answered him a 'yes'.
We'll never forget their parents too. ;)
Ishida's Oka-san's salon is now known in their place. They had lots of costumers and of course, everyone admired his oka-san's skills in hairdressing.

Nishimiya's oka-san too, worked to help Ishida's oka-san in the salon. Both of the mothers are also happy to know that they already had a granddaughter which their loved so much.
"Oka-san!" a little girl shouted at her mother as she ran towards her to hug her tight.

"Why? What's wrong, Shiya?" ask the worried mother to her daughter, Nishimiya Shouko.

"It's just... Hiroto fought me again." she cried that made her mother smiled, thinking that she's so lucky to have her daughter with her. And of course, her husband.

"What happened?" ask her husband, Shouya Ishida.

Nishimiya Shouko turned to Ishida as she smile and said, "Hiroto fought her again."

Laughter surrounded them. "Haha, he did? Did he say sorry to you?"

"Hai." Shiya said shyly.

"Souka. Then go and play with him again if he said his apologies to you." smiled Nishimiya. Shiya finally nodded before running away to see Hiroto from afar, playing by himself.

The two parents watched their daughter play with Ueno Naoka's and Hiroshi's son, Hiroto.

"Hm, I think we need to visit them again." said Nishimiya to her husband.

"Yeah you're right." said Ishida as he rest his arm on Nishimiya's shoulder. "Wanna go?"

He saw sparkles in Nishimiya's eyes. "Yes. But I'll get my things first." before getting in their simple and comfy home.
Ishida's family immediately went to Ueno and Hiroshi's home not far from their home. Of course, they brought Hiroto with them, who's still happily playing with his friend-since-birth, Shiya.

When they reached the door of Ueno and Hiroto's house, they knocked twice. They heard someone running towards the door from inside and they immediately saw Ueno's widely smiling at them.

"Oh! The Ishidas' are here!" shouted Ueno towards the kitchen. "Come in." smiled Ueno at the Ishidas' before opening the door wide for them to get it.

Ueno took a towel to wipe Hiroto's sweat off and suddenly, from the kitchen, Hiroshi came out to smile at them and greet them happily.

They talked about a lot of things and of course, they had a nice snack from the foods the Ishidas' brought from them. They talked about their daily lives and of course, how time really passed by so fast and they were already here and there.

Meanwhile, the two kids played outside there house. They also talked about stuffs. Mostly about their toys and their jokes that made them surround by noises and laughters.

They were so happy until, a strong wind greeted them that made Shiya hug her self so tight. She also closed her eyes tightly but suddenly, arms surrounded her body.

She turned to look at Hiroto who's smiling at her. "Are you feeling warm now?"

"Hai, Hiroto-nii san." Shiya smiled.

Meanwhile, their parents watched them from afar. Smiles are formed from their lips as they watch their dear son and daughter happily talk and laugh.

"I guess our kids' going to have their own happily ever after." Hiroshi smiled. "Time really passed by so fast."

Shiya's parents smiled at Hiroshi. "You're right. They will and yes, time really does run so fast."

A/N: Epilogue is cutted into two. Again, thanks for reading my story :) I mean, their story. Hehe. :)

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