Chap 5: Unknown feeling

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[A/N: just wanna say arigato for reading :) good day!.]
Ishida's Point of View
I haven't slept all night because of Ueno's question yesterday.

Seriously, it's a curse.

When I've got to school, I can't even talk right to anyone then, almost everyone told me that I act weird and quiet today.
I must do something about this.

I'm freaking sure that Nishimiya feel the same thing about this too.
"Ahh, ohayo, err, kon'nichiwa." I bowed down to the student in front of me. I was actually in front of the door of Nishimiya's classroom and I would really like to talk to her by now.

"Nani?" Ask the student as he lean his shoulder by the open door.

"Yeah," I wish I brought Nagatsuka-kun. I guess this guy is a rude classmate of Nishimiya because of his ridiculous face.

"OK." Seriously, I feel as if we were in an investigation. And, I was accused guilty. "Just wait."

I sighed in relief. Okay, great.
I waited for seconds then as I looked at the door, Nishimiya and the guy was there already.
"Can you trust this person?" Ask the guy to Nishimiya.

Wait what?

How dare he ask that to my friend? And, who is he anyways?

Nishimiya's boyfriend?
"Hai." Answered Nishimiya as she keep her look still at me. The guy then glared at me then, he finally left the door.


"Who is that?" I ask Nishimiya. I kinda feel something as if I'm mad or annoyed at that person. And, specifically, I don't know what I am feeling right now.

"A friend," said Nishimiya unsurely. Huh? I don't kinda believe that answer. She just look down to her feet when she answered 'a friend'. Which made me doubt more about her and her answer, and at that guy.

"Okay then." I answered.
She looked at me then smile. "Why do you call for me?"

I didn't budge for a second. Maybe, I should tell it next time.

"Nande." I smiled fake-ly then I leave the place.

Seriously, starting when that guy came in, some questions in my mind were built and I'm sure that they all are left unanswered. I don't really know.

Who is that guy?

And, who is he in Nishimiya's life?

Yuzuru's Point of View
"I'm home!" I shouted as I take my shoes off my feet. It's another tiring day and all I just wanted is to sleep all day long.

"I'm home." I repeated the sentence I said a while ago. I tilt my head in curiosity for no one even answered me. Isn't mom home? Or, isn't Onee-chan home?

I looked at the shoe rack and, I was right about my guess.

Nishimiya is home already.
I walked towards Nishimiya's room. It was so silent in the house so, when I stood still to hear something inside her room. I heard a sharp sound as if there's a person crying inside.

Huh? Onee-chan?

"Onee-chan," I called to her by the door. Her door is locked and I was hoping that Onee-chan would open this.

Even though I'm tired, what's still important for me is my Onee-chan, Shouko.

"Can you open the door?" I asked her. I still feel worried about her when she suddenly stopped from crying.

"Yu-duru?" She called. I leaned my head by the door and when I've heard a moving sound on the door knob, I stopped from leaning then I waited for her door to be opened.

And, the face that burst upon me was her swollen eyes and tears that have been dried from her face.

"Are you fine, Onee-chan?" I ask as I walk inside her room.

The things inside her bag were all scattered on the floor, her uniform was just hanging by the table and her hair was a messed up.

"H-hai," she answered between my observing around her room.

I turned my look at her then she decided to sit back on her bed so I followed her.

"No, I dont think so," I sincerely looked at her. "If you have a problem, please tell me, I am your imouto."

She looked at me then she began to cry again. I hugged her tight as she sniff. "Yuduru."

I then let go of the hug to let her explain.

"Ishida-kun stopped from noticing me. It started when my classmate ask me if Ishida-kun is a trustable guy. Then, he suddenly told me that he got to go."

I nodded then I looked at the window to see that the sun is about to set down.

"Pfft. Ishida-kun." I smirked as I keep my look still at the sun.

In my peripheral vision, Nishimiya looked at me with curiosity then she began to tilt her head.

I giggled a little. "In my case," I looked at Nishimiya then I smile widely. "Ishida-kun is just jealous."

Nishimiya then stopped from crying after what she just heard from my mouth. Ha ha ha.

And I know what will happen next, Nishimiya's face turned red. "Really?"

I giggled once more. "Haiii."

In the middle of our talk, I heard the faint sound of the main door of our house. "I'm home!"

"Mom is here, Onee-chan." I reminded Onii-chan. "Wipe your tears or Mom will know what happened to you."

Nishimiya just nodded then before I leave the place, I looked at onii-chan who's wiping her face with a white towel.

"Ishida-kun likes you, Onee-chan."
I wrote this when I'm not in my right thinking.😆 I hope you under stand the story

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