Chap 20: Us

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Chapter 20

Ishida's Point of View
Everything gone much better after Toshi Mashibasa stayed with us again. Our group feels whole again. And became much more fun than the beginning.

Weeks passed and time really passed by so fast. We all know that. Of course me, Nishimiya Shouko and my friends.

Toshi Mashibasa and Miki Kawai became super close friends. They used to bond almost everyday and sometimes, those two act as if they're officially together.

To Hiroshi and Ueno Naoka, well, the two became more intimate. They even hug each other in public. Giving each other smacks and kisses and all I can do is to hold Nishimiya's hand. Well, I wish I can do the same as Hiroshi and Ueno do but I respect Nishimiya Shouko that much.

To Yuzuru and Tomohiro Nagatsuka, everything goes well between their friendship. Looks like Nagatsuka already replaced me to a girl best friend, ah?

And also, me and Nishimiya Shouko, we're... still the same. I'm still doing my best to court her. And of course, I'm willing to wait for her.


"I'm coming!" I shouted back at Mom after her yelling at me to go downstairs. Nishimiya Shouko and I had plan a date together and it's today. And to be honest, I almost forgot it so I'm rushing things up here.

Thankfully, I'm going downstairs already.

"How dare you, Ishida. You made Nishimiya Shouko wait for you!" said Mom at me but all I can do is smile awkwardly at her.

After her quick preaching, Nishimiya and I already left the house as I hold her hand tightly down the road.

She removed her hold at me, "Where are we going today, Ishida?"

I smiled at her first, "To a place I always wanted to show you."

We walked for a bit as we keep our fingers intertwined. When we reached the place I've been talking about, she lose her grip on my hand.

"Our old school?"

I smiled at her. Yes, I've brought her on our old school.

"Yes. But I have something to show you." I said before grabbing her hand as I lead her towards the back of our school building.

"What are we doing here?" it's cute how her smiling expression turned into a curious one.

"Just wait." I told her then I made her sit on the green grass she's standing at before I walked towards the tree not so far from where we are a minute ago.

I stood on a rock beside the tree before peaking on a hole from the tree's trunk. And thankfully, it was there the whole time.

I took it before walking towards Nishimiya, still showing her curious look.

"What is it?" she's pointing at the bottle I'm holding.

I sat beside her then I showed the bottle clearly to her. The bottle is a fragile one. It is a bottle of wine and to be honest, it's covered in complete dirt. But I was thankful that the cork was still at the mouth of the bottle. Protecting the most important thing inside it.

The paper.

"Open it," I said before giving her my swiss knife with a corkscrew in it.

She took it immediately then she opened it just like I told her. I happily took the bottle from her before turning the bottle upside down to make the paper fall from inside the bottle.

"Read it." I gave her the paper.

And I'm glad she did.

The paper she's reading right now is actually the note I wrote from Nishimiya's ruined notebook. I took a page from it and wrote all the words I'm meaning to say if ever we meet again in the near future, which is now.
And I know she's reading every single words from it...
Dear Nishimiya Shouko,

I'm sorry for hurting a girl like you. I didn't mean everything. Well maybe I mean the bullying things I did to you but I'm apologizing to you sincerely. I wrote this letter for our future selves because I want to be friends with you again if you forgive me already. I'm sorry for my sins. I'm sorry for not accepting the friendship you'd been asking before no matter how many times you asked for it. I hope we can still be good friends. And if... We like each other back. We can still give each other second chances and... if ever I started courting you, will you be my girlfriend? I know it's embarrassing but it's just in case. I'm sorry again and I hope we can still build good memories and times together with other friends. Arigato.

- Ishida


Shouko Nishimiya suddenly turned to me before giving me a tight hug. Then all of a sudden, I heard her sobbings.

"Nishimiya, g-gommene." I said. She moves away before smiling at me.

"Thanks for this letter." she gestured before wiping her tears off her face. "And also..."

"Yes, Nishimiya?" I stated.

She smiled wide at me. "Yes. I agree to be your girlfriend."

My eyes widened after realizing what she just gestured at me. "Nishimiya?! Are you serious?!"

She quickly nodded at me then I moved to give her a tight hug. This is so much euphoria and I can't take it! Finally! Nishimiya Shouko is now my girlfriend! I can't believe it!

"Thank you Nishimiya Shouko. I promised you won't regret it." I smiled off and I was shocked that she gave a quick smack on my lips.

My eyes widened, "D-did you just.."

She shook her head while laughing. I just smiled at her silliness before I helped her stood up. I held her hand again as we walk down the streets. Finally. Nishimiya Shouko is now my girl friend.

And I promise her that I'll still court her today and tomorrow and next.

"I love you Ishida." she gestured at me.

"I love you more, Shouko."

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