Chap 17: Yes

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Chapter 17
"Class graduation will be on Saturday. So I want everyone to bring their parents or guardians. Wear Type A uniform. Understood?" we all nodded in unison.

"Also, venue at the court. Everybody must be there before 2 PM." Our teacher added before leaving us for it's already dismissal. We stood up after she left our classroom then some of us left 'cause its already break time.

"Ishida, let's go?" Nagatsuka greeted me with a smile. I nodded since we'll be going on the same destination, the canteen.

When we reached the canteen, both of us bought two plates of carbonara and two glass of iced tea then we both look for a vacant table and thankfully, we found one.

"Are you going to bring your parents on the graduation?" I turned to look at Nagatsuka.

"Yeah, Mom wants to." I simply said.

"How about you, Hiroshi?"

"Hiroshi?" I turned my look towards Nagatsuka but when I felt a presence of a person beside me, I immediately look to see Hiroshi smiling wide at me.

"How the heck did you got here?" I exclaimed.

He shrugged at me. "I just simply followed you guys."

I sighed before continuing to eat my carbonara.

"Hey guys. I just want to ask." Nagatsuka and I looked at Hiroshi once again. "Do you guys know what's Ueno chan's favorite color?"

Nagatsuka held his chin. "I think it's blue. I always see her items and I can always see blue in it. So, that's my guess."

"Hm, sky blue will do right?" Hiroshi said.

"Why suddenly ask about her color?" I ask Hiroshi then he turned to look at me.

He chuckled. "'Cause I've got a plan."

"Okay?" I said unsurely. I don't know what Hiroshi's taking about but what ever that is. I wish him good luck.

"We gotta go, Hiroshi. I guess our next teacher's already there." said Nagatsuka then he stood up and faced me. "Let's go, Ishida."

"Yeah, bye Hiroshi." I said before standing up and catching up with Nagatsuka who's already walking away from us.

"You know what?" he suddenly said when we're at the hallway.


"I have a guess that Hiroshi's going to give a surprise at Ueno." he said.

I smiled after hearing his thought. Actually, that's what I've been thinking about. But the thing is, we don't have much evidence that Hiroshi will give Ueno a surprise. What if Ueno didn't told Hiroshi about her favorite color and Hiroshi just want to know Ueno well. But, for me, surprise or not, I wish him good luck.
Ueno's POV
"FINALLY!!" I exclaimed when I heard our teacher told us about our graduation. I'm actually feeling very happy that after all our hardworks, we can finally have our weeks of vacation and rest.

I heard my seatmate chuckled. "Yep. Finally our paperworks are done, all we need to do is to practice for our graduation ceremony."

I nodded as an agreement for my seatmate, Yuzuki. She's one of my friends in this school year and even though we're not that really close to be called best friends, I'm still happy I've got time to be with her. And now that this school year will end, I'll still be missing all of them. Now that I'll move to another school, which is the same as Shouko Nishimiya and Ishida-kun.

"Class, make sure to bring your parents with you, okay? And our practice for the graduation ceremony will be tomorrow. 1 PM." said our teacher. "And we will have our final practice the day after tomorrow and—"


I suddenly frozed after I heard his voice.

"Yes, Mister...?" said our teacher, waiting for him to say his last name.

"Mr. Hiroshi Okajima. The husband of Mrs. Ueno Okajima." I facepalmed after hearing his statement and after hearing my classmates teased me in unison.

"Shh, quiet class." said our teacher, trying to sound strict and angry, but I can she how a smile managed to escape from her lips. She then looked at me.

"Ueno, you can go outside." said our teacher so I made my way outside cause I can't stand the embarrassment I'm feeling right now.

"Why are you here?" I ask the moment I got outside with Hiroshi.

"Why? Don't you want to see me?" he asked. Sadness is written all over his face after he ask me that question.

"Hiroshi Okajima." I called him by his full name.

He frozed before looking at me. "I love the. way you say my full name."

And before I knew it, I felt my cheeks burned from so much embarrassment.

"Hey, I just want to surprise you. And also," he said before he took my hand. "I want to show you something."

I titled my head in curiosity and before I could ask him what it is, he pulled me until we reached the main gate of the campus.

"Hiroshi, seriously. Why are we here?" I ask. I'm already curious about what he's doing but he's just answering me with a smile.

"Wear this." he said then he gave me a handkerchief folded like a blindfold. My forehead automatically creased but I did what he told me so.

I heard a deafening silence around the place and I even tried to spread my arms to find Hiroshi but all I can feel is air. My forehead creased once again. I know Hiroshi's sweet enough but if this is a prank, then I don't like it at all.

"Hiroshi? Where are you? I'm going to remove this blindfold if you don't answer me." I blackmailed him but he didn't gave any answer. I was about to remove the blindfold when I heard a really familiar voice.

"Mic test. Mic test." he said as I heard him tapping a microphone.

"Ueno. Don't remove that blindfold yet. I just want to tell you something. I know I'm not perfect like any other guys from fanfiction books or fairytale movies. I am not that sweet like a candy. I might not be a caring guy like some guys out there around the world. But I'm sure on one thing..."

My heart is really beating so fast and I can't explain the euphoria I'm feeling right now. Never in my life someone told me those sweet and special words but only Hiroshi. The man I love the most. Even though he's not as perfect, I still love him. Even though he don't give me surprises like this, just hearing him say words that I'm the only one is enough for me.

"I love you, Ueno Naoka-Okajima." he said and I can feel that he's smiling from ear to ear. I can also hear the crowd teasing me but I don't care at all.

"You can remove the blindfold now, my queen." he said and I can't help but to smile. I did removed it and when I did, I saw Hiroshi walking towards me and the countless crowd around us smiling at me.

"I love you, Ueno. We may started from a favor but I'm sure we'll end up for real." he said then I saw the end of the huge banner released then I read the words that made me shocked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

It said as Hiroshi says it too. I looked at him as he kneeled down, still holding my hand tightly than before.

"You've only got two choices. Yes or... Of course." he smirked. I slightly laugh from hearing the choices he gave me.

So I inhaled first before giving him a smile and say, "Yes and of course, Hiroshi."

"Really?" he asked as he stood up, smiling.

"Hai! " I exclaimed then I saw how the crowd cheered when Hiroshi hugged me so tight.

And this is the day when Hiroshi and I became more than a favor. 
3 chapters before the very end. ☺
I'm so glad you made this far, reader/s.
Arigato~! 💕

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