Chapter 5

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I didn't need to open my eyes to know that this wasn't a dream. The warmth of the sunlight radiated around me as I rested my head in Ashlyn's lap. But I still opened my eyes to look up at my best friend's face, her large eyes half stoned.

Summer had just ended and our school decided to have extended P.E. classes, which is why Ashlyn and I decided to extend our choice of locations to bunk classes too. We ended up in a remote spot away from the sports field, under a tree in the warm climate. I begged her to let me rest my aching head on her lap which she grudgingly agreed to.

"Hey Ash..", I began as I made a troubled serious face to her.
"I need to tell you something.."
"..... I...lIkE tUrToLs!"

She gave me the most disappointed look ever before breaking into a boxy smile and slowly removing her shoe.

"You know what I like?"
"Stuffing my shoe up your lame mouth!"

With that I shot up and ran towards the field as I heard the bell rang and she ran after, with one shoe in her hand, laughing loudly.

We reached class much earlier than everyone else and collapsed at our desks. Only three more classes till the end of another day of everyone's crap. Math class was last. I particularly loathed math and I couldn't wait for it to finish.

Ashlyn's house and mine were only five streets away from school which is why we walked back everyday. Since it was a Friday, we decided to stop by our favourite cafe in the middle of the route.

Lavonne was a quaint little place that served excellent espresso. It was crowded on the weekends but today the mass of people had subsided. Ash wasn't really fond of coffee so she ordered a cookie cream milkshake. I decided I wasn't in the mood for it either so I ordered a mint chocolate shake. We settled near the extended corner of the shop, which had old fashioned windows with plants and fairy lights. A long bench which could seat about ten people was added to the shop recently but it was never occupied. Until today. A group of really good looking men entered the cafe me being the lame ass perv I am checked them out thoroughly.

"Hey that one's got a nice butt", I covered my mouth and giggled gesturing to one of the short guys with plump lips. Ashlyn's eyes scanned the group and I noticed them stopping on a tall guy with large eyes and a classic 90's aura around him. "Oy, earth to Ash", I slapped her arm. She blushed and whined at me. "Don't act so childish in front of them!"
She once again turned back to them and I continued sipping my drink, pulling out my phone to check my notifications. I could already see pretty boy making eyes at Ash from the corner of mine. All the guys finished ordering at the counter and made their way to the long table.
"Dude, dude they're heading here", Ash grinned and whispered, excited.
"Uh huh....."

I got a text from a friend, Isabel.
"Hey, hey", I caught Ash's attention again, " Isabel wants to throw a party for the start of the year and the whole grade is coming."
"I'm not that big on parties.."
"Please? It's only two years until school ends!"
"This means shopping!"
I grinned. There's nothing like going to a mall with Ashlyn. We had a habit of raiding the food court and hilariously embarrassing each other at lingerie stores.

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned my attention to the guys again. I don't know why but ever since they came to the cafe I had an uneasy feeling of eyes on me. Only when my gaze swept through them as I got a better look at their faces was when I noticed one with a piercing expression. He looked really serious for a guy of his age but when another guy with broad shoulders cracked a joke, he stared at him with a scary "I'm so done with you" expression, before breaking into the sweetest gummy smile I had ever seen in my life.

He rested his face on his hands which puffed up his cheeks a little bit and his expression turned serious again. Then his eyes slowly rested on me when he looked around the cafe and I found myself looking at my lap, embarrassed. I looked up once again and his eyes were still on me. I was really lucky I couldn't blush so he wouldn't see how intimidated I was.
"Hey I think that one likes you", Ashlyn shot a saucy wink at me. I punched her arm this time, earning another whine. I bit down on my lip and thought we'd better get out of here. Holy shit, the way to the entrance was directly past them. I subtly slid through and noticed that the pretty boy smiled at Ash and she slowed her pace. I payed for our drinks at the counter and then, wanting to embarass her, I said loudly,"Ash don't stare at someone and spill your drink on me please!"

She gave me a mix of a glare and an embarrassed face and I laughed. As we made our way back home, we fangirled over the cute group and chatted about what we'd wear for the party. We decided to go shopping the next day itself. It was time for her to go home. Mine was two blocks from hers. As I pulled her in for a hug and waved to her, I started thinking about that intimidating gaze from Mr. Scarecrow. I sighed, I wanted to know him better. He had a dark mysterious aura around him which was pretty irresistible. I walked up the path to my house, and lifted a little pot to get my keys. My parents would be home late again. I was really tired so I just went upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed. Five minutes later, I was fast asleep.

Stay. And Then Leave. - Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now