Chapter 11

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The voice was all too familiar. Raspy, but so deep and beautiful, it enveloped me. It was home.



Jeez! I jerked my head up. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I zoned out on the pages in my book. Yoongi sat next to me, staring at me questioningly.

He pointed to my book.
And I panicked.
I could never trust anyone except Ash with so much.
And I'm so scared I'll scare him off.
Over the last few weeks we've become so close.
And I want to keep him right here.
I'm scared of anyone knowing.
Looking inside.
Seeing how torn up I am.
And my thoughts are only bloody.

He took my hands and turned me towards him completely.
"Look I know it's hard for you but please trust me."

Yoongi's POV

I couldn't help myself. I've been watching her all along. She's getting worse every day, I can't let anything happen to her. She's slipping into this horrible place and I don't know if she's been there before but I have and it's breaks me to see how bad she's hurting.

I couldn't help myself.
I try.
I'll save her.
No matter what.
"Look I know it's hard for you but please trust me. I'm sorry this might creep you out but I watch you. Please don't get scared. I care for you and I want to be there. I'll listen to anything you have to say. Don't hold it inside."
I hesitated, scared myself to expose me.
"I've been through it. That phase. It's painful, it eats you up, I can't bear seeing you like this. "

She stared at me. I carefully ran my arms up her hands, wanting to touch her, take her in. My hands crept up her wrist and her up mine. I felt her pulse. Then as I advanced I slowly went up her black sleeves. That's when my thumb grazed against something rough on her skin and she halted the movement of our arms.
This can't be.
I grab her arm and roll her sleeve. She tries to stop me but my grip is iron firm on her arm. That's when I saw white, red and grey scars all over.

My grip loosened and I just stared, utterly sad. She withdrew her arm and pulled her sleeves down.  She couldn't bring her gaze to meet mine. I sense her eyes getting moist but she looks up at me. She's refusing to cry.

Your POV


I'm strong.


I'm normal.

He just looks at me. I don't know if he's disappointed or what. Tears well up but I look right at him. Can I break?
Can I tell him?
My head is whizzing.
I start my story anyway.


She starts talking.
Her voice, so strong and firm, yet broken.

"It's only my parents..."
"It's can't be only, you're in a bad state, don't act like this is something small."
"Uh huh..."
She pauses and the waterworks start and my heart breaks again.
"They're not my real ones and they treat me like shit. They ignore the hell out of me and I try to get with them I don't even know why they keep me. I try to bring myself to love them, try studying harder, trying to be the best. But it's all worthless. They beat the crap out of me, although they're starting to ignore me a lot nowadays and I'm a little grateful for that."
"Where are your real parents?"
"My mom is dead."
"Your father?", I asked, as gently as I could.
"He...", she breaks down hard.
I grip her wrists again and slowly graze them with my thumbs.
Her voice is only a whisper.
"He tried to kill us."


It was again a horrible nightmare.
I stayed locked up in a cupboard with mom. She held me securely but no matter how tight she held on, I never felt safe because of the loud bangs that echoed and throbbed in my ears.

The door swung open and he dragged her out. I screamed my lungs out but it was no use. He knocked her down with a rod and she fell unconscious. The only person who protected me. He kept yelling, "Take yourself and your bastard child out of here."

And he came for me. I fought back this time but as he brought it down on my shoulders, I gave way and the last thing I remembered was him bringing it down on the back of my head.

I woke up in a hospital. My arms were pretty bruised and an unfamiliar man walked over and grunted at me. Apparently he was an old "acquaintance" of my mother's.

Oh no.


How was she?

Three days later, they led me carefully to the morgue. I saw her bruised beautiful face and I gently kissed her forehead. I promised to be a better daughter, at least win someone's love, if never father's.

That's when the acquaintance took me in. It started with his wife sneeringly ordering me around the house but it got worse. She had a terrible temper and sometimes I'd wake up at night with throbbing aches in my stomach. That's when they decide to educate me. And I found Ash again.

She was always close, never leaving my side and I loved her so much for giving me all the care that no one could have ever thought of.

But now, everything was a mental scar. I was getting better a while ago but I don't know it's like everything has deteriorated into rock bottom. Scars on my arms were growing and so were my sleeves.



Until I let him break it down.



I only continued to stare.

Years ago it had started, my parents never approved of anything I wanted to do, only praised my brother and kill my hope.

I told them my dreams and I watched them evaporate as my dad's hand came crashing on my face. That's when the thirst started.

Day after day they'd mentally torment me. Telling me that I'm better off dead. Telling me that's I'll never amount to anything. Sometime I'd run away from home with a bruised face or back and return, only to be treated the same again.

And I left.

I ran away from there and the boys all decided we'd move here. Things are better but all that abuse will forever haunt me. And even though I confess a lot to the boys, I can never bring all of it out. I don't know if it's fear or if I think no one likes understand but I couldn't.

I felt destroyed.


Until I tore down the wall.

For her.

And I had torn hers down too.

It was like freeing something.

And I took her in my arms. I never wanted to let go now.

Stay. And Then Leave. - Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now