Chapter 23

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If it wasn't for the plugs I'd brought with me, I swear my eardrums would have bled because of the music. Graduation had officially ended and the after party kept going till like, three in the morning.

Hoseok struggled to heave Namjoon and Jin into the car. Taehyung was having some shitty imaginary convo with...what was that on his glass, a cricket?! Ash was hanging on him laughing. Jimin was grinding on random people on the dance floor.

I sighed as a girl went down on him and giving them a pointed raised eyebrows look I took another swig of my drink. Looking around, I could see only bits of sober figures in this place, including Jungkook and Yoongi who were feasting on lamb skewers and ignoring everything else.

I decided to take a stroll outside. This is probably the last time I'd be in this place. The night air was surprisingly cool. I wrapped my arms around myself and shuddered, when I felt a cool pair on my own. Then something fluffy.

"Sweetheart what are you doing all alone out here?"  I laughed. Yoongi was mildly drunk enough to call me "sweetheart". He warm breath tickled my neck as he kissed it and he hummed. His deep voice put me in a trance as he wrapped a jacket around me. We stood like that, the moment felt so pure in the moonlight.

I had to get home so that I could get some rest and take my shift at the restaurant. Yoongi walked me to his car. Before getting in he gave me a warm, long kiss before breaking off with a sigh and grazing my lips with his thumb.

The drive was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, more like a very comfortable one we shared occasionally. I'd frequently gaze at his profile as he rode on, observing his bangs slowly shifting into his eyes before he would run his hair back and give a long tired sigh.

The last few weeks had been a bit hard for him because he wasn't able to spend much time in his studio working on something important he came up with. Our tests had sucked out all our energy and somehow, I didn't feel much remorse knowing I'd have to leave this place because I had a bit of a rough time here.

Yoongi reached my place and told me to stay inside for a while. He switched his sound source to his pendrive.
"I wanted to play you something."
I had never felt so relaxed with anyone's music except Yoongi's. His notes progressed at a right pace and the lyrics were so beautiful.

Maybe I’m your truth and your lie,
Maybe I’m your love and hate,
Maybe I’m your enemy and friend,
Your heaven and hell, your pride and embarrassment,
I can never take off the mask,
Because the me behind this mask,
Is not the one you know,
Make up to wake up today too,
And dress up to mask on,
In order to become the me that you love,
Your laughter and happiness is the scale of my happiness,
This is how I am, do I deserve your love?
I always make an effort to be the best for you,
I hope you don’t know this part of me.

I gasped when I realised this was the same song I caught Yoongi working on. His important project. I felt tears glinting in my eyes as I looked at this man I love so much. He smiled sheepishly and drew me into another kiss.


The house was in its worst state when I entered, just like how it always was over the past few weeks. Things, which I thought were getting better, were progressing into worse. I couldn't function anymore and "mom's" words were always putting me into a depressed trance.

"Come back have you now, you whore?"
I sighed and closed my eyes tightly, opening them and turning around to face her drunken state.

"Clean up this place you little shit."

Stay. And Then Leave. - Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now