Chapter 9

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I got back home in a good mood. Luckily, no one was at home and I started to relax. I got to know him a little bit at least. I was looking forward to tomorrow. It's weird cause I hate classes.

I recalled his piercing gaze. His deep voice replayed in my head. He seems closed off but when you manage to slip through the wall he's built, it feels like...home. From the way he talked about the piano, he seems to really love it.  I remembered watching him play. And I love how he unintentionally rambles about his thoughts on people in general. His right hand had a ring with a blue stone on it and he wore a cool chain wrapped twice around his wrist.

As I got a better look at his fingers, I made out the perfection, the translucent white revealing rivers of his veins under them , his hard set knuckles and his moon shaped nails. His hands looked old for his years but were still. So perfect. (A/N : I have an obsession with his hands don't mind moi.)

I wrapped my arms around my knees and kept recalling everything, till I fell asleep.


Surprisingly, I actually found myself working on this psyc project. I framed around ten questions and thought that Y/N could pick out any seven or eight she liked. She was in my head the whole evening. I glanced at the clock and it was almost time to sleep.

I took a thorough shower and stepped out. As I threw my jeans aside, I felt something inside the pocket and drew a folded sheet from it. Ah! How could I forget? Quickly slipping on only boxers, I crawled into my beloved bed and unfolded the note. She had readable handwriting thank God.

Running down a dark alley,
I have no place to go,
Choosing between the devil and the deep sea,
Choosing between my life and my bad dream,
Can't turn on a light,
Scared I'll wake dark figures,
And watch them destroy me while I sleep,
So I keep running,
I don't care where I go,
An everlasting darkness, the epitome of doom,
Darkness which is never touched by a moon,
My legs carry me, gray parks, dark alleys,
Figures of dust, devoid of hope,
Don't know if I'm seeing figures or mirrors,
My thoughts aren't safe,
Not even in here,
Don't come near me please,
I keep running and I let them chase me,
Their words and my thoughts,
I can't even fight back,
I only sit and hold my head in my hands,
I only sit and watch,
Every inch of my body screams,
My soul, consumed by figures of dust,
But I sit and watch,
I'll watch myself shred,
I'll watch myself tear and break,
I'll watch my ashes scatter,
Cold winds pick them up,
But I know my heart is colder,
Do I even have one?
But I'll never wake up,
To a life I can't live.

Oh my...

Is she alright?

I'm really worried.

Oh my gosh.

"Never wake up to a life I can't live",  a sudden urge sweeps through me. The urge to hug her, to drag her up, to be there for her.

I'll try.

And I'll be there.

For her.



Your POV

My eyes drooped a little bit and I was writing. Half writing. Half waiting. For Yoongi. Ash had spent the earlier half of the morning bringing me down to earth and I teased her about Taehyung all over again.

TBH, I'm really happy for her. She usually never takes to people and to see that Taehyung can gently bring down half her wall. She's really special and if she actually likes someone, then I'm calling the priest. Okay I'm being overdramatic. But Tae and her look too cute together.

I could make out that Tae was really a good guy although he gave off fuckboy vibes in the cafe that evening. But I guess it takes time and a lot of patience to observe people to actually know what they are. My mind wandered back to Yoongi.

And, bang on cue! He walked into the class, only his expression went serious when he saw me. He settled next to me and after I greeted him he relaxed a bit.

We spent almost three classes searching out people to answer our questions and finally analyse them. Yoongi was really good, he had great questions and I ended up choosing all of his, adding a few of mine, although he insisted on having all of my questions.

Finally it was time for lunch. I made my way to the customary place where Ash and I sat, only surprised to see that she was actually sitting with them. Obviously Tae would be right next to her and on her other side, there were two empty seats. The whole group of guys was there. They all waved at me, wanting me to sit with them.

I looked around and noticed Yoongi was missing. Okay, this was a first. Seated at a table almost fully surrounded by ethereal looking people, okay calm your shit. That's when Yoongi strolled in and walked over. The only free seat was next to me and he casually took it, pulling his phone out and scrolling.

He did chat with me a bit and the boys were pleasantly surprised to know that we knew each other.
"Aaaaaaahh", they all chorused, two of them, I made out Jungkook-- sitting opposite me-- and Jin exaggerated the word and smirked at Yoongi. I noticed him shifting in his seat and although he looked particularly unbothered, his cheeks were pink.

The conversation droned on and I tried to make out everyone in the group. I placed Namjoon as the dad cause he mostly spoke with a sort of authoritative but relaxing tone to his voice. He seemed to be smart but he knocked a cup of coffee onto Hoseok's lap, who practically jumped up like a headless chicken and screached. Ah, definitely the scarecrow, but a huge ball of sunshine.

Jungkook and Jimin seemed to be mischevious and I could make out they always half his their emotions. Jin was hilarious and made the most random idiotic puns.

"Hey," he said biting into a sandwich,"I'm bready to die."

"I don't know whether to laugh or stuff you in a trash can", Hoseok glared at him.

Yoongi's POV

As soon as Jin started off with his jokes, I got half annoyed and wanted to throw my fork at him right then. That's when he cracked some bread joke and I noticed Y/N flinching, only the slightest amount before lowering her gaze and I knew she was hurt although she hid it with a smile.

My heart ached watching that. She looked up at me carefully. I wanted to stop meeting her eyes but this time, I tilted my head and gave her a apologising look. It was like some stupid voodoo cause she returned an understanding expression. I just hope she doesn't notice I know.

I hope she doesn't notice how much I feel.

I hope no one does.

Stay. And Then Leave. - Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now