Chapter 12

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(For my dear Tae stan, sorry if this is a kinda short Tae scenario sweets)

Ashlyn's POV

Dim lights. The telly was on and we were watching a great horror movie. I had invited the guys and Y/N over for movie night. I was nested on one end of the sofa with Taehyung on the other. Everyone else lay on the plush carpet I had spread, with blankets and the exception of Y/N and Yoongi who were calmly lying together on the other one.

I hesitantly looked at Taehyung. His beautiful large eyes were focused on the telly, then he turned them on me and his gaze was intense. My cheeks heated up and he gave a slow smirk to me. God, I'm actually in love with him.

He shuffled closer, before placing one arm up my waist and I felt my breath hitching. Everyone's attention was on the telly, although half of them were asleep and I felt Taehyung get closer. He wrapped his arms around me and surprisingly I fit perfectly into his large profile. As he placed his face on mine, he traced my eyes to my chin with his lips and grazed my neck with his hand.

I felt him smile against me. And his hold got tighter. So beautiful, so perfect.

Really, a startling point in life is when you find someone you can love and give yourself to. Taehyung's comfort, his weirdness, his feel and his smell. What I'd give to stay like this forever.
I glanced over at Yoongi and Y/N.

Content, is what I fell now.


The next day, really early in the morning, the guys decided to take us out to one of their favourite places to hang. Taehyung was really excited and I felt my heart light up when I saw his boxy smile. Y/No always tells me that mine is similar to his.

We drove until we reached the foothills of the city. Jin was at the wheel and took us higher and higher. Finally, we came to a cosy, beautiful cluster of hills. I was awestruck. It looked so beautiful.

Everyone jumped out, Taehyung dragging me out first. He clapped his hands over my eyes as he guided me along a grassy slope.
"Here", he whispered, his warm breath in my ear.
The city lights glimmered in front of my eyes and I watched them slowly go out as dawn broke.

Arms snaked around my waist and I threw my head back into Taehyung's chest. He moved his head around mine and I felt us moving closer, till my lips finally met his. Our kiss was soft and electric.

We pulled away and I looked into his eyes. The city reflected in them. My own world. It's a beautiful feeling.



Cripes it was too early to head out and I fell asleep in the car. I woke up to Y/N gently calling my name and I felt my heartbeat quicken a little. I'll never get used to that. She was kinda tired and we climbed up on the roof of the car and stayed there. I brought her into my embrace and enjoyed her scent of vanilla and apples.

She stared out at the view in silent awe and I cuddled her even more. I felt her smile on my neck and she looked up at me. I pecked her forehead. She was surprised but quickly hid it and again buried her face in my neck.

So this is what it feels like. Heart beating a little faster, warmth all over and a little giddiness. I could lie here with her forever.


Your POV

It was five days since the trip to the hills and I didn't see much of Yoongi cause he was working on his songs. I don't know why but I was already starting to feel lonely without him although the guys were good company, especially Jin and Hoseok.  I decided to visit him anyway.

Hoseok dropped me off at his apartment and I was really grateful. He brushed it off humbly and left. I knocked on the door and felt it move a little. Surprised at the fact that Yoongi didn't lock his door properly, I opened it and went inside. I heard a sweet tune and Yoongi's voice.

Because your laughter and happiness is the scale of my happiness
This is how I am, do I deserve your love?
I always make an effort to be the best for you
I hope you don’t know this part of me

All of my wonder
You’re the answer
I call you her, her
Cuz you’re my tear, tear.

My heart was fluttering already and I slowly walked over. He looked up and smiled awkwardly, before jumping up and embracing me tightly. Ah, thar warm feeling crept into my heart all over again.

We sat and I watched him intently. His lyrics were beautiful. He did not view love as the typical happiness and glamourous notions that almost everyone had.

He had more insight to it.

He could love anything.

It would mean more than a stupid high school romance.

A piano.

A person.

He used it to unlock me.

I look at him.

His deep gaze meets mine.

Passive flames.

I lose it. I want him.

So bad.

And he knows how bad.

We get closer and he touches my forehead with his, looking at my eyes and then trailing his sight down to my lips, before his met mine and we drowned in all consuming passion.

And that's how my first kiss went.

And the soft melody of the song he was working on played in the back.

I don't know who he wrote it for but he's now my wonder.

Now my tear.



It had happened. It put me at so much ease. Her lips. My hands found their way around her waist and her neck. Her frail hands in my hair. With her, love wasn't the stereotypical stupid illusion.

It had meaning.

This is what I call a destiny.


Yes, her.

Always my wonder.

My answer.

And my tear.


Stay. And Then Leave. - Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now