hello. how did you like my prank?

39 3 1

Matthew turned around.

Not here.

Not now.

He tried to press the speed, but his motorcycle was at the max.

"Shit shit shit..."He muttered.

The truck behind him was lowering the distance between them ever so quickly as it swerved and hit everything in its path.

He couldn't die like this.

Not when he had so much to do...

The truck finally reached him and he closed his eyes, already knowing that that was his end.


"Valentina...."He felt a sharp pain at his side and tried to move his legs. Everything was dark. He tasted blood. 

After what seemed like hours, he lost consciousness.

Valentina was at work when she got the call.

She picked it up.It was an unknown number.

"Hello. Valentina Tinoco here. How may I help you?"She asked politely.

The other end crackled with static for a bit.

"Ah yes. Do you know Matthew Garcia?"

Valentina was shocked.


Before Valentina could ask what Matthew had done, the woman on the other side cleared her throat.

"We found his phone and thought we should contact you since he labeled you as his girlfriend?"

Valentina's voice was hushed.

"Y-yeah...That's me."

Another clipped silence followed.

"I am sorry ma'am, but could you come to the Grey care Hospital?"


Valentina put down her phone and ran down to her superiors to explain what had happened. 

"Oh no come on!!!"

She drove through all the traffic, and reached the hospital all within a few minutes. Valentina had renewed energy from Adrenaline. This couldn't have happened. Maybe it was all a dream...

"Excuse me ma'am. Matthew Garcia?"

The receptionist frowned slightly.

"He's in room B09. Down the hall to the left.But he's in surgery right now."

Valentina quickly thanked her and hurried into the room.The bright SURGERY IN PROGRESS sign seemed to mock her as she sprinted to the visitor viewing room so she could see what was happening.

 Doctors crowded over a slightly mangled body, and Valentina gasped.

"W-what happened?"

"He got hit by a drunk truck driver. Drove right into a building."The voice startled her and she turned around to meet one of the doctors.

"No...No....NO!!!" She pushed the doctor aside and ran out the door.

"NO!!!" Was all she could say as she ran back to her car.

She opened the door and grabbed her phone.

She dialed the only person she knew was off work.

".....Hullo. I'm on my day off so please let me sleep in boss... Just get Jack to handle the documents..."

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