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"What did she mean when she said that she's actually a good guy?"Nikki stressed as she and Valentina walked back to the dessert place.

"I don't know, but Leon is our friend. So we can trust him."Valentina assured. 

"I hope. What if May knows something that we don't?What if that information is important?"

Valentina rest her hand on Nikki's shoulder. 

"It's fine. Let's just trust him, ok?Maybe he's keeping a secret from us because it's for the best."

"No."Nikki shrugged Valentina's hand away.

"We're his friends. May and Leon is holding a secret, and if it's not May's problem, then we need to think about what we're doing."

Valentina sighed. 

"Fine. Let's ask."

They found Leon and the gang munching on some cake.

"Leon. We need to ask you something."Valentina said softly.

He looked up. "Yeah? You guys were gone for a while ya know?"He finished his cake then turned to look at them. "So?What's up?"

Nikki sighed. "We met May. And she seemed to know you were holding a secret. What's this all about?"

Leon fidgeted. 

"U-um....Sorry..."He turned and stood up. Then he ran.

"Leon!!"Matthew yelled.

He didn't turn back or stop.

"Ugh!!It's been two days!!!Can't we file a missing person report?"Matthew groaned.

"We can't. He left of his own will and it's his choice to come back since he's a grown adult."Nikki said softly.The atmosphere was silent.


Stephanie stood up slowly and walked to the door.

May was at the doorway.

"Hey!I notice Leon isn't with you!!Do you want my help?"She asked. Her voice was practically dripping with honey.

"Shut up May. We don't listen to killers."Nikki huffed and was about to shut the door when May stuck out her foot to prevent that.

"Listen...I'll tell you why he's gone and what really went down IF you let me in."May smirked.

Nikki moved away so she could walk in.

May sat herself on the couch and everybody huddled around to hear what she was going to say.

"You know that I killed tons of people, right?"May asked them happily. They nodded their heads, but eyed her suspiciously.

"Wellll,what if I told you that...Leon had his memory swiped?"

Andrew sprinted to the MRT station mall along with Matthew.

After an hour of looking, they were about to give up when Matthew noticed a man that looked a lot like....Leon....

"Leon!!!"Matthew ran to the man, with Andrew following closely behind.

Leon turned towards them, his eyes bloodshot and hair a tangled mess.

"Matt?Andrew?"He stared at them curiously.

Andrew whipped out his phone and texted.

"They're on their way."

Matt lectured Leon.

"Seriously. We were so worried about you! I wanted to file a missing person report."He chuckled at the thought.

"Don't keep secrets. We're your friends."Andrew scolded gently.

Leon looked at his shoes.

"I-I'm sorry..."

Stephanie, Valentina, and Nikki ran towards them.


They turned to see Valentina, Stephanie, and Nikki walking towards them.

Valentina hugged him. "Please don't worry us again."

Nikki stared at him before speaking. "May told us about your memory. I can't relate, and I'm sorry, but you have to tell us these things. We're your friends for a reason. If you don't tell us, where's the crap and obstacles we're supposed to go through as friends in our life?"

Leon sighed tiredly.

"I know...I feel bad....I feel worse than bad...I kept you guys in the dark 'cos I didn't want you to know about it. Please forgive me?"

Nikki looked away. "I'll only forgive you IF you listen to my new joke."

Leon chuckled. "Go for it."

"Did you hear about the kidnapping at school?The teacher woke him up."She burst out in laughter at her new horrendous dad joke.

Leon rolled his eyes. 

"You see?We're always gonna be here in case one of our friends is in trouble. But don't worry about that burden crap. That's what we're here for."She grinned.

Leon smiled back. "Thanks."

"Now let's head to the airport and head back home, shall we?"Matt nudged Leon. "You look like you need sleep.Luckily, the plane ride is long."

Nikki frowned. "We weren't supposed to go to Greece after Singapore?I thought that was our plan?"She looked at the girls.

The guys all looked at her.The girls avoided their gazes.

"Nikki...What did you do THIS TIME?"

"Um...It's not my fault. They told me that we were going to Greece after this, so...Hang on for another week until we go back home?"

Andrew sighed.

"Whatever. Now that the trouble is gone, let's actually have a vacation now."He smiled.


A/N:This is really the end. It was a long story, full of random stuff, but thanks for reading it all.Check out my other stories;)

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