Riceball-chan is back again

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Nikki smiled and handed the present to Valentina.

"FINALLY!!I've been waiting for this moment!"Nikki hugged Valentina tightly. Valentina grinned and hugged back.

Matthew walked in.

"How's the br-"Before he could say another word, Nikki and Ms.Tinoco(Valentina's mom) shooed him out.


"But!But!"He sputtered.

"No buts!You can absorb her gorgeousness later."Nikki winked and locked the door.

Nikki turned back to Valentina and grinned.

"The day has finally arrived...."

"Yeah...huh?"Valentina looked at Nikki, her eyes wet with tears.

"What's wrong?!Are you hurt?!"Valentina and Ms.Tinoco rushed over.

Nikki crumbled.

"Sorry...It's your happy day and yet....I don't wanna see you goooooo!!!"

After sensing that Nikki didn't want her to leave, Valentina smiled.

"I won't leave.We will still have our movie Saturdays and we can still hang out."Valentina comforted. She gulped. This seemed like the best moment, but she seemed a little nervous. Her heart pounded.

"I think I may be a little nervous,"Valentina admitted.

Nikki ceased her crying immediately and ran out the door.

When she returned, it was with a card.

"I nearly forgot this."She softly whispered.

Valentina carefully took it.

Dear Valentina,

Sorry I can't make it. It Seems like you were just a 13 year old girl with her head in the clouds not too long ago. The hospital food here is gross, and tell your mom I miss her cooking. 

This is the big day, huh? You finally married the love of your life, and one that I approve of. And tell him that I will be always watching him and not to make my beloved daughter cry. You're the best daughter that any dad can ask for, and I'm proud of you  and  everything you've ever done. I hope you like me and your mother's gift for you. You should probably put it on before the wedding though. I know you will look stunning in it.  Please for my sake, put on your best smile and walk down the aisle towards your future. And know that me and your Mother will always be here for you wherever you are. I look forward to your next visit.



Valentina wiped the tears in her eyes. 

"Dad...."She looked up at Nikki and her mom. 

"T-This was before the surgery?"

Nikki and her mom nodded in unison.

With shaking hands, Valentina opened the small box that was on a small table addressed to her.

She gasped.

Inside was the most prettiest hair comb that Valentina had ever laid eyes on.

It had silver jewels mixed with little orbs of deep blue. The comb itself was a thing of beauty with intricate patterns etched into its body.

Her mom nodded slowly.

Your dad chose it himself.He insisted that you should have something to have of him...Then the surgery happened...."

Nikki nodded solemnly.

"We all didn't know that the surgery that they said would cure him of Cancer would actually kill him. But when you got engaged, he was joyful and wanted to celebrate his last days before the day of the surgery. And that note..."She nodded to the piece of paper in Valentina's hand.

"Wow....But how did you even get the note?How come nobody told me?"Valentina sobbed."I'm is daughter...All I knew was that he died after the surgery...Not that he prepared all this stuff..."She sobbed even louder.

Leon's head popped in and he looked at the scene.

"Okaaaaay...I'll try to buy some time..."He popped back out.

The music started and everybody stood.

Valentina walked out, hand in hand with her mom.

When Valentina reached the altar, Nikki was waiting with a little something glinting in her hand.

Before the bishop started, Nikki reached out and pinned the comb to Valentina's head.

"You forgot this."She whispered.

"Thanks."Valentina smiled and nodded at the bishop, prodding him to continue.

The surgery, the letter, Alyssa, Matthew moving, all of these things were behind her. Some of these memories would not fade, but right in front of her was a new future. A life with her husband. 

The bishop finished his speech and the couple took their vows.

"Now you may kiss the bride."

They looked at each other and Matthew smiled.

"Way ahead of you."

He brought his hands to her waist and brought his lips to hers. Valentina closed her eyes, looking forward to the future that may come.

The end

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