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Nikki eyed Stephanie.


Stephanie nodded.

"Let's go."

They walked towards Matthew's hotel room and knocked.

A few seconds passed.

Matthew opened the door.

He looked at them up and down and sighed.

"I'm not even half surprised."

He let them in.

Nikki made herself right at home. She strode over to the couch and sat down comfortably.

"Matthew...I'm soooo close to strangling you, but that'd be murder. So I will solve this like a civilized person."

Matthew gulped.

"It was just a misunderstanding!! I swear!!It was Alyssa-"

Nikki cut him off with a wave of her hand.

Stephanie whistled and sat on the seat beside Nikki..

"She's mad~!"she sang.

Nikki looked at Matthew very closely.

"I'll listen to your side, but....This can't happen again OR ELSE."

Matthew told both of them the story from start to finish on what had happened.

Nikki only sat in silence. Stephanie nodded now and then to signify she was listening.

After Matthew was done, Nikki and Stephanie left. They didn't even say one word.

Back at the house, Valentina was munching on some cookies.

Andrew sat at the counter, looking for any word from Nikki or Stephanie.



Valentina jumped in her seat.

Nikki and Stephanie walked in, with Nikki holding a bag from somehwere.

"Where did you go?"Valentina asked. She continued to munch on her cookie.

Nikki sat in the seat opposite from Valentina and Stephanie slid in beside Andrew to fill him in.

"we bought you your favorite dessert. Macaroons. We went to Matthew and he told us what really went down."

Nikki filled her in.

Valentina's macaroon dropped to the floor.

She looked at Nikki.

Then the tears came.

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