D o n ' t

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Archie's POV
"What the fuck!" I yell at Sheriff Minetta who has me handcuffed to a chair.
"I told you kid, stay quiet." He spat at me, who does this guy think he is honestly.
"And I told you, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't even know this Casedy Bullock kid!" I attempt to explain, struggling to get free of the cuffs.
A smirk slowly crept up onto his face as there was a knock on the door. He went to open it and in all honesty I wasn't surprised by who I saw behind it.
"Archie long time no see." The man wearing a black suit walked up to me with a cocky grin plastered over his face.
"Could you give us a moment Sheriff?" He asked, and Sheriff Minetta complied and exited the room.

I bit my tongue to the point where it drew blood, anything to keep me from ripping his head off and getting into anymore trouble.
"Hiram what the hell are you doing?" I ask looking him sternly in the eyes. He said nothing.
"I didn't kill him."
"Oh I know you didn't," he mocked "but everyone else thinks you did."
He had a fair point, all of Riverdale high thinks I'm a murderer. I'm not.

"Sir I hate to say but you haven't won." I spit, attempting to sound confident despite the fact that I'm petrified.
"Haven't I? Last time I checked I have, you see, I got the Southside, I got into the mayor office via my wife, I got away with murder, and now I'm making my bones with you, I've got it all." He waltzed around the room as he explained everything he had, wow he was so wrong.
"Well actually you don't have everything..." I began, he shot me a confused look.
"I mean I know I have something that you don't." I chuck him a small glare.
"Is this the part where you tell me that you have friends, who are gonna get you out of here and you'll all unite to bring me down, nice try Archie, but I don't give a shit, I am above you in every way."
Yeah he was so wrong.

"Actually it's funny because not only do I have something that you don't, that one thing actually once belonged to you" I saw with a smirk growing across my face.
"And what would that be?" He asks taking a seat.
His glare softened slightly. I knew that would get him. Truth was Veronica was mine, and clearly it was to my advantage. I continue on taunting him.
"The second you went to prison you daughter despised you, I don't blame her, you basically ruined her life, and well once you were let out, you weren't in control which made you mad didn't it?" By now he was starting to go red with anger, I was clearly doing my job well.

"And so you decided that to get some power back you would manipulate me, which I will say was a smart move, too bad I outsmarted you, you've let me in on every little detail about your life, your plans, all of it, even without meaning to, I have been through all your files, I've talked to all your allies. And I have your daughter. So while you may be on top right now, Mr Lodge, don't try to bring me down because believe me when I say I will always win."

He fixed his suit slightly, I could tell that I had shaken him up. In all honesty I didn't really have a plan for what to say next, maybe something about banging his daughter to get him all fired up. But he spoke first.

"Archie, how about this, I let you go, and you give Veronica back to me." He suggested.
I chuckle slightly,
"You really think she'd let that happen, that if let that happen, sorry to say Mr Lodge but when I said that I was one step ahead of you"

And as though the timing was perfect, Sarah McCoy entered, with the keys to my handcuffs.
"I meant it." I finish me sentence.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hiram asked jerking his head towards the ex mayor.
"Letting my client go, don't think you're the only one with allies Mr Lodge." She explained as she unlocked my cuffs.

He sat there, dumbfounded. I begin to walk out of the office, knowing I now had the upper hand, I suppose he should know by know that you don't ever want to mess with an Andrews.

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