I ' m F i n e

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Jughead's POV
Some time passed, Betty got better.
Let me rephrase.
Betty's bullet wound got better. In fact it healed surprisingly fast...he heart however remains broken. I wish that I could comfort her, I really do, but in all honesty I don't have much I can say or do, cause I'm also a little heart broken right now. I mean nothing compared to what Betty must be feeling, but regardless, I still can't get the thought of our baby out of my mind. But as I said, some time passed, Betty, I suppose, got better and now she's back at school. Having to deal with the shit that everyone is giving her. I didn't think it was that bad, I had only heard hushed whispers about it. Around the school news spreads like the Black Plague, before I knew it everyone had heard about Betty's miscarriage, the murder of our unborn child. Most people were sympathetic, kindly smiling at us as we walked down the school halls. Most people, one of them was not Reggie Mantle.

I hadn't realised how much of a dick he was being until Wednesday after 4th period. Down the hall I saw Betty and Archie talking to one another as Betty delicately placed her books in her locker. I watched as Reggie approached them, I couldn't hear what he was saying but it wasn't a moment too soon until Archie threw a punch at him, knocking him to the floor.

Betty's POV
"Betty I can't help but think about Pops, that person in the black hood, who was it? Why were they after you?" Archie asks as we walk through the halls of Riverdale high.
"I have no idea, but I don't think he was after me, I mean he clearly wanted the cash cause he asked Veronica for it, but he ended up pointing the gun at you, I know it's cause you weren't obeying him but it's like he knew to call Veronica a slut to get you angry, it's like he was planning on killing you" I say quietly, making sure no one can hear out convocation.

"I've never really thought of it that way, look all I care about right now is who this guy is and how you are...I'm so fucking worried about you."
"I'm alright Archie really"
"Betty I know when you're lying-"
"I told you Arch I'm fine, everyone is fine, it's just normal now" I sigh as I open my locker.
"And how's Jughead? He's been kinda distant lately and hasn't said much to me" Archie leans against the locker next to mine.
"In all honesty we haven't been talking that much either, I mean loosing the baby is having just as much of a toll on him as it is on me. We're actually meeting up for dinner tonight though so hopefully we can talk things through-"
"Well, well, well if it isn't ex-mama Cooper" Reggie interrupts me with a snarl a she approaches with several bulldogs backing him up.

"Reg, leave her alone." Archie demands firmly.
"Aww is Andrews protecting his neighbour with benefits" Reggie smirks wickedly.
"Can you just go" I defend rather quietly.
"But Betty I only just got here. Now riddle me this, the word got out that your were preggo and then that exact afternoon you were admitted to Riverdale General Hospital with an almost fatal bullet wound in your stomach-"
"Reggie that's enough" Archie interrupts him when a crowd starts to gather. Reggie ignore Archie and continues taunting me.
"Now tell me Betty, did you shoot yourself? Cause I have feeling you did, now the only question is was it to kill the baby or kill your self-"

Reggie wasn't able to finish his sentence. Archie took one swing and he was knocked to the floor, blood staining Archie's knuckles. But Reggie was quick to fight back. He jumped up and threw a swing at Archie, not making to much damage at the punch he had thrown though. Archie grab Reggie's shirt and shoved him against the locker.
"Don't you ever talk like that to Betty ever again" he said in a scary tone. Reggie simply let out a psychotic laugh.
"Or else what?"
Archie simply punched Reggie once more until finally two voices simultaneously yelled

Everyone's heads turned to Jughead and Veronica who had mortified looks on their faces. Jughead rushed over to Archie, pulling him away from a bloody and bruised Reggie,
while Veronica made her way to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.
"Are you okay?" She asks softly.
"Yeah Reggie was just being a jerk." I brush it off.
"Let's get out of here." She says, leading me off, with Jughead and Archie following close behind.

We find an empty classroom, seems good enough for some privacy.
"Ouch" Archie yelps as Veronica applies some pressure to a bruise on his face.
"Arch what were you thinking! You can't just beat someone up for no reason" she huffed and continues to wipe blood off of his face.
"It wasn't for no reason! He was talking shit about Betty" Archie defended.
"Wait what? What did he say?" Jughead looks at me intensely.

To tell the truth or not tell the truth. I don't want Jug freaking out about me...but I can't lie cause Archie will point it out. God why is there always so much unnecessary drama! I got pregnant, got shot, lost the baby, can't we just move on.
"He asked if I shot myself, he thought it was suspicious that I was admitted to hospital the day that the pregnancy rumours got out..." I explain honestly. Jughead's eyes turn to fire, pure anger taking over.
"I'm going to kill that bastard" Jughead said heading towards the door.

"Jug no" I stop him.
He gives me a confused look. Cmon I seriously don't need this right now. I don't need another person covered in blood. I just want things to be normal! Why is everyone treating me like a glass doll, I'm Betty Cooper! I'm that perfect girl next door, I'm fine...I'm fine.
"You can't. Please Jug just leave it okay" I whisper softly with tears streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry I just...I can't stand that you have to go through this" he sighs.
"I'm not going through it alone, I have you" I cup his face softly in my hands and lean in for a kiss.
The kiss is soft, time seems to go in slow motion, everything disappears, the baby, the drama, the hooded shooter, all of it just goes away. That is until Archie clears his throat.
"Still here you guys" he chuckles, making us break our kiss.
"Says you, I can't think of a time where you aren't having a PDA (public display of affection for those of you who don't know what it means)" Jughead jokes making us all laugh.

"Cmon we should get going, I'm starving" Veronica says as she grabs Archie's hand and intertwines her fingers with his.
"Ditto, I'm so hungry" Jughead whines like a child.
"You always are" I giggle, grabbing his hand too.

And so we exit the classroom, as normal teens because everything is fine, and normal, and perfect. It always is. At least that's the illusion we want it to be. You see it was that way, until we find Hiram Lodge standing in the middle of the school hallway, as though he knew we would be here. We all stop in our tracks. With all of this pregnancy drama I've completely forgotten about the fact that he is literally ruling the Southside.
"D-Dad what are you doing here?" Veronica finally speaks.
"We need to talk Mi hija-"
"No don't 'mi hija' me." She snaps.
Well this should be interesting...

A/N hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Thought I'd bring up some more core 4 drama, with the addition of Reggie of corse! Okay so I know self promotion is so lame but I've been working really hard on my other book '7 deadly sins' I know it may not be anyone's preferred story style but it's all about Archie and his time in jail, it's a lot more descriptive and mature and I would really appreciate it if you checked it out! Okay I'm done with the self promo! As always thank you my loves for reading leave a comment down below! Love you all so much xx

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