B a s i c M a t h

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Betty's POV
Another day had passed by, the sun is beginning to set and I'm still stuck in bed. Feeing better, yes. Feeling okay, no.
I hear a tap on my window so I drag myself out of bed to go see what it is.
"Jughead what are you doing here-"
"We need to talk. About the baby." He says with a serious face as he enters my room.
"Your right, we should."

I'm assuming Archie told him all about my little moment this morning.
"Listen Betty, we are at a disagreement, and I know that this is so hard on you in more ways than one. I've done some thinking and I think that whatever makes you happy is what we will do. I know I've been such a bad boyfriend lately it's just a lot to take in, but I'm here for you." He smiled warmly, grabbing my hand.
I can feel water begin to slowly build up in my eyes as a faint smile spreads across my lips.
"Thank you, Jug, you have no idea how much that means to me."
"Come here" he pulls me in for a firm hug, it isn't too firm though. It's right enough to make me feel safe and comforted.

"I'm sorry, about all of this, you don't deserve to go though it" he whispers into my ear.
"I'm alright, I'll be alright"

Will I be? Will I really be alright? Or am I just telling myself that for the sake of feeling better. I won't be alright, I'm pregnant for God's sake. I'm supposed to be going through a traumatic time of having a murderer for a father but no I can't worry about that anymore because I'm pregnant. A child. There is a child growing in me and it scares me more than any black hood ever could.

"I want to go back to school tomorrow." I simply state, pulling back from the hug. He shoots me a confused look.
"Are you sure about that? Maybe you should just stay home-"
"No. I refuse to stay here, hiding, for one more day. I need to go back to school. I may as well while I have the chance." I say looking down. My stomach is still flat. No one will notice.
"Just let's not tell anyone about the pregnancy yet okay." I smile, forcing myself to meet his eyes.
"Okay" he whispers and kisses me lightly.

Veronica's POV
"I see what you're doing Veronica" Hayley comes up to me as I am just about to leave the school.
"And what would I be doing?" I reply with an innocent smile on my face.
"Your using the whole dating Archie thing to your advantage"
"I was wondering how long it would take you to realise that" I giggle at her stupidity.
She scoffs lightly.
"You know just because you'll be spending the night at Archie's that doesn't mean that you'll win the bet, maybe nothing will happen"

What a pathetic excuse of an argument.
"Listen, this is pretty simple so maybe you'll understand, there is no way you can win this, I mean what are you going to do to force Archie to bang you in the next minute before he meets me here to drive me to his place?" I cock an eyebrow as a smirk grows on my face.
She says nothing, clearly trying to think of a plan which, as always, won't work.

"Hey Ronnie, hi Hayley" I hear Archie say from behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.
"Hi Archie" She flirtatiously smiles "you know I was thinking we could go to Pops, that diner I've heard you talk about"
Was that seriously her plan? To waste time?
"Well I do love Pops milkshakes" Archie said, making Hayley flash me a smirk. "But no thanks, Ronnie and I have heaps of studying to do"

Wait what, no we don't-ohhhh I see Archie has picked up on Hayley trying to hit on him. A frown returns to her lips.
"Oh right, of corse. Well have fun studying" She grits her teeth and walks off.

I turn to face Archie and I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Studying?" I ask
He smirks slightly.
"Sure...studying" he winks and starts heading towards his car.

For the most part the car ride is silent. I even had to turn up the radio to defuse the tension.
We get to his place and he unlocks the door, stepping aside to let me in first.
"Hi Mr Andrews" I yell out as I put my bag down by the stairs. Archie laughs lightly before saying "he's out for the week, it's just you and me here"
"Oh right" I giggle and walk up the stairs.
"Where are you going?" He asks, following me anyways.
"We have some studying to do don't we?" I flash him an innocent smile.

I'm not surprised when I see that his bed is unmade and there are several hoodies thrown aimlessly on the floor.
"Ever considered cleaning up Archiekins?" I laugh as I pick up the hoodies and throw them into his dirty laundry basket.
"Well I don't usually expect last minute guests such as yourself"
"Right about that, long story short, Hayley is well she isn't very smart and of corse she arrived here and totally checked you out, I mean I can't blame her, but obviously I wasn't having it. Basically she got super jealous and challenged me, the challenge was whoever can have sex with you first wins" I explain.
"Wins what?" He asks
"Well I mean she came up with it but basically if she won then I'd break up with you."
He starts laughing until he realises that I still have a straight face.

"Oh cmon she didn't actually think she'd win did she" he asks as his laughter dies down.
"As I said she isn't very smart, so yeah for the sake of our relationship it would be great if we could-"
"Fuck" he finishes my sentence.
"Well I mean I wouldn't put it that way but yes"
"Who am I to complain" he smirks and walks past me to his desk.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"We have some studying to do don't we?" He repeats my sentence from earlier as he swipes everything off his desk in one quick movement.
"You're right" I smirk, walking over and sitting on the desk.

"Let's start with basic math, you plus me equals" he kisses me lightly. "And then to make it a two step equation we subtract this" he tugs at my shirt, eventually lifting it over my head. "And then we just need to divide..." he grabs my thighs and separates them, he walks towards the desk so that he's in between my legs. He shoots me a smirk with lust filled eyes, this is going to be an interesting study session.

A/N Well Bughead have finally made amends and Varchie are getting it on, what else is new😂 anyways thank you all so much for voting and reading as always I appreciate it so so much! Feel free to leave a comment giving your opinions or ideas I love reading them and getting inspired! Love you all xx

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