W h a t ' s W r o n g

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(A/N Hey guys! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for reading this story! Please feel free to comment your idea for what should happen next! I am new to Wattpad so thank you for the warm welcome! Xx)

Betty's POV
I make my way to Jugheads trailer, once I arrive I cringe at the scene. Almost all of Sunny Side Trailer Park was demolished, but Jugheads trailer was still standing. I go up and knock on the door, pales sweating. I can do this. I'll just tell him the truth and it'll be fine. He'll understand.

"Hey Betty" his eyes light up and he sees me at the door, that smile would fade soon.
"Hey Jug...um can we talk?" I ask not wanting to sound rude.
His smile dropped slightly and he instantly became concerned, of corse he did I'm his girlfriend he's always protective.
"Yeah, sure come in." He steps aside and lets me in. In all honesty the trailer was a bit of a mess, beer bottles spread over most of the countertops, which I'm assuming was due to FP.

"Sorry for the mess," he apologises, practically reading my mind, "Now What was ur that you wanted to tell me?"

Okay just say it. Get it over with. Rid the bandaid off. I can't. Now it's silent. I just can't say it. I fall to the ground in an uncontrollable sobbing  mess. Jughead almost instantly kneels down and pulls me into an embrace. I soak his shirt with my tears as he rubs circles on my back, knowing that that always helps calm me down.
"Betty just tell me what's wrong and I can help."
"N-n-no you can't" I sob even harder. He can't help. No one can. He pulls back slightly, searching for my eyes.
"I-I-I'm...jug I'm p-pregnant" I tell him trying to control my tears. His face goes blank, just for a moment. He seems to be thinking, concentrating really hard, then again I basically just told him that he was going to be a father, I don't blame him.

"Oh Betty," he sighs kindly and pulls me back in for a hug.
"It's going to be alright, you're going to be fine. This...this baby is it-"
"Yours, yes it is Jug" I finish his question for him, I don't blame him for wondering, if I were him I'd be concerned.
"Okay, well Betty calm down, it's going to be alright, I'm not going anywhere. This baby, Betty..." he hesitated before continuing.
"I'm not saying that I'm not thrilled, but if you aren't ready for this, to have a child, abortion is maybe an option." He explains kindly.

Omg I completely forgot about abortion. It's a new pregnancy, I can easily go to the hospital and get it taken care of, no one will know, and this will all be over with.
"Who else knows" he asks as he interrupts my thoughts.
"Veronica, and I asked her to tell Archie. No one else though." My tears lessen and I take a few deep breaths.
I look at the time, 4:50pm.
"Oh gosh I forgot I asked Archie and Veronica to meet at Pops, can you come?" I practically plead.
"Of corse."

Archie's POV
I'm at Pops with Ronnie as we wait for Betty, and I'm assuming she'll bring Jughead along.
The bell chimes, signalling that someone has entered. I look up and instantly walk towards them. Betty walk up to me as well and she crashes into me with tears in her eyes. I instantly hug back my childhood best friend.
"Betty..." I whisper, "you're okay."
She sobs into my shirt and I look up at Jughead, I give him a nod, god he must be shutting himself right now, I know I would be if Ronnie was pregnant.

"Thanks Arch" Betty wipes away her tears as we take a seat.
Then there was an awkward silence, just clicking of jars and cups, the muffled talk of the other people in the chock'lit shoppe.
"So..." Betty begins. "Jughead and I talked about...this...and I think our best option is abortion." She seems torn as she explains.
"Whatever you say Betty, if that's what is going to make this easier then you have our full support" Ronnie smiles and grabs Betty's hand which is resting on the table.
I then out my hand over hers, followed by Jughead's.

The night at the chock'lit shoppe changed a lot of things. We all smiled, but all smiles were weak, we all laughed, but the laughs were short and dry, we all looked around, and we had all changed. Jughead was still covered in cuts and bruises from his heroics, Betty was looking down at her still flat stomach, Veronica had a distant look in her eye and me...well I'm just the same. I'm just that bit who murdered a kid, well at least everyone thinks I did.

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