G o s s i p

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Kevin's POV
I walk through the school halls, a small swing in my step. Not sure why I'm so happy, maybe it's the drama, the gossip, all the stuff I love for. Of corse I'm not used to all of the drama and gossip being about me.
As I walk into the student lounge and am met with an awakes situation, on one side I see Moose and the bulldogs, and on the other sides I see Joaquin and the serpents. I see both guys look at me then at each other then back at me.

Wait am I suppose be choosing? Like right now? Maybe if I just step forward that'll work. Oh okay that wasn't a good idea now they are both paying even more attention to me.
God dammit why am I so indecisive. Well I could choose Moose, the totally hot jock, or Joaquin the badass serpent.
Okay well Joaquin is making his way over to me now so I'll just go with that.
He steps up to me and smirks,
"Ready for class babe?" He said particularly loudly so that Moose could hear. Hmmm this could be risky.
"Sure thing" I smile and grab his hand, staring at Moose as we exit the room. God this is a dangerous game.

Jughead's POV
I can't stop thinking about what Betty said, adoption? She wants us to put our baby up for adoption? I know it's hypocritical cause I was the one who mentioned abortion but well I'm starting to come around to being a dad...god that's weird, me a dad? It makes me weirdly excited. But now Betty wants us to just give our offspring off to some stranger. Anyone in Riverdale willing to take the child would just have it.

My thoughts are interrupted when I turn to see a familiar redhead waiting to speak to me as I collect my belongings from my locker.
"Jug could I have a word with you?"
"Yeah sure man, what about?" I ask casually, closing my locker and following him down the hallway.
"It's about Betty."
Betty. Is she alright? Is she hurt? Oh god was it me, was it cause I walked out on her, please let her be alright.
"What about her?" I gulp nervously.
"I stopped by her place, as I wanted to ask her something, but when I got there she was super sick, which I'm assuming comes along with being a pregnant teenager, anyways but bro she wasn't just sick she looked like she had lost the life in her, she was crying like crazy, she could barely walk, I'm seriously worried about her. Have you two spoken recently?"

Well fuck. Betty is in a tragic state and Im not even there to help her.
"Yeah, we kind of had a fight. Long story short I don't think being a dad would be the worst thing in the world but now Betty is thinking about putting the baby up for adoption-"
"Wow Betty never mentioned anything about an abortion." Archie cut me off as we entered the student lounge.
"Of corse she didn't, anyways it was stupid of me I shouldn't have walked out on her, I'll go by her house this afternoon to check in on her, see how's she's going you know...and hopefully smooth things over." I sit down and sigh. God life is so ducking confusing sometimes.
"Don't worry bro, I've known Betty for her whole life, she does everything for a reason, she always has good intentions, don't worry too much"
Sure don't worry about my girlfriend who I have made pregnant. Nothing to worry about at all.

Archie's POV
After a while Jug leaves to go to class however I have a free period, so I decided to go to the music room, to work on some songs.
I hear the door open and in walks Veronica's friend from New York.
"Hey Archie!" She beams, taking a seat on the piano stool.
"Hey...uhhh..." What was her name again.
"Right sorry Hayley, how's it going?"
"Yeah its all been going well, my first few days in Riverdale have been...eventful." She giggles lightly.
"Here in Riverdale the world revolves around drama get used to it." I chuckle and begin to put my guitar away.
"Wanna play 20 questions, I'm trying to get to know the people around here." She suggests.
"Sure, you go first."
"How long have you been playing guitar?"
"Well I've been able to play for ages but I only started writing music last year. My turn, what do you miss most about New York?"
"Well it's only been a few days but I suppose my friends. How long have you and Veronica been dating." She stands up and walks aimlessly around the room, looking at pictures hung on the walls.
"Our 1 year anniversary is coming up soon, but technically we've already been dating for a year and a half"
"Explain please" She asks, a confused look washed over her flawless skin.
"We broke up before last Christmas. I told her I loved her and she didn't say it back" I briefly explain, packing my guitar away.

"I'm not surprised, Veronica has always been quite loveless, I bet she still hasn't said it back to you."
"That's where your wrong, she's pretty much one of the most loving people in all of Riverdale. Oh and she has said it back, just for the record. Anyways my question, what was Veronica like back in New York." I ask, prying a little.
"She was a party girl and a player. Never got laid tho, She was always talking about how she wanted to wait for the perfect guy, by the time she left to come here she still had her virginity, but I'm sure that doesn't exist anymore." She smirks looking me up and down. Wait did she just check me out?
"Hey Archiekins thought I'd find you in here." Veronica walks in as though it was perfectly timed. She looks at Hayley and smiles.
She turns to me and asks sweetly "My parents are driving me crazy and I really need to get away with them, mind if I stay at your place?"

Hayley's POV
Veronica smirks at me. That wasn't a good sign! She's going to win our bet! Of corse she had to come in just as things were getting interesting between me and Archie.
"Yeah of corse babe your welcome any time."
Ugh great Archie's still star struck.
"Won't you need to go back to the Pembroke to get your pjs?" I ask attempting to stir the pot.
"Nah she's got about half her wardrobe scattered over my bedroom floor" Archie gives a handsome chuckle.
"That's just because you're too lazy to pick it up" Veronica giggles lightly. Ugh she was winning, that needs to change.
"Anyways I have to fly, but I'll see you this afternoon Archie, I'll see you later Hayley."
She kisses Archie and smiles. Yuck.

"I love you Arch" She beams as she opens the door.
"Love you too Ronnie." He smiles back at her.
Once she's gone he turns to me and raises an eyebrow.
"I told you so." He chuckles.

Well great. I need a game plan and fast or else I am so loosing this bet.

A/N hey all! Sorry I haven't been updating as frequently I'm super busy with school! Anyways hope y'all liked this chapter, as always comment what you want to happen next, or just comment anything u want! Love you all as always thanks for reading xx

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