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Veronica's POV
I rush off towards the girls bathroom, I'm almost there when a voice yells.
I'm not surprised to see Archie run up to me with a worried look on his face, I'm assuming that's due to the tears running down my cheeks. I hate it when he sees me like this, all weak and pathetic.
"Are you alright?" He pulls me into a firm, yet soft, hug. I take a few deep breaths and then pull back a bit.

"It wasn't just the Jones" I sob lightly. His brow furrows in confusion at my seemingly random statement.
"What do you mean it wasn't just them?" He asks.
"J-Jughead told-d you ab..about how my dad took basically all that they had..." there was an ear piercing silence. Come on Veronica, you have to tell him.
"Well he did it to other families too, I mean why else would he be so fucking rich if he hadn't stolen it all. 247 families Archie. In only 4 years that's how many families he stole from. $5 billion. That's how much he took from them, of corse he only 'worked' with rich people. I found the files for it the day before he got arrested..." I stop myself from saying the rest but it's too late, Archie is already waiting for more of the story. But then I watch as his face softens slightly. He's connected the dots.

"You told the authorities..." he breaks the silent with a whisper. I nod and let a few tears fall down my face.
"I didn't know what else to do...I felt so guilty that I was wearing clothes and jewellery, living in the Dakota with their money. I kept it a secret for most of the day, but once it reached the afternoon I couldn't take it, so I went to the police station and told them everything..."

I remember that day like it was yesterday. How Mom and Dad were out for breakfast and I snuck into Dads study and I was mortified at what I found. There were files targeting people, mostly rich people who he knew he could trap easily. There was hard cold cash and checks. There was a kill list too. Not to actually kill people, just people to steal from. I had never recognised any of the names but Forsythe Pendleton Jones II was on that list for sure. I didn't say anything, in fear that something bad would happen. But it became too much, I went to the local police department and told them everything, I showed them the incriminating evidence too. They never told me what would happen, I thought it would just be over with, but the next morning when we were having brunch they came in a took him away. I felt so guilty but at the same time I was helping all those families...I was just destroying mine.

"But if he wanted to steal from rich people then why would he target FP?" Archie asks, taking me out of my twin of thought.
"Something happened in high school I'm sure, just revenge of some sort. I can't believe I forgot about the whole FP thing, I knew that dad had stolen form them, and when I met Jughead I just forgot...why wouldn't he say anything..." I wonder out loud.
Archie opens his mouth to say something but suddenly Betty comes running our way with tears streaming down her face.

Archie's POV
"Betty what happened! Are you okay?" Veronica asks as she pulls Betty into a tight hug.
"H-he t-told everyone...it-t was h-him." She sobs.
"Who told who what?" I ask getting confused. Betty pulls back from Veronica's embrace and looks me in the eye, slightly heart broken.
"I'm surprised you haven't heard, somehow it got out that I was...pregnant...the entire school knows now..." she whispers.

How could somebody do this. To Betty, who wouldn't hurt a fly! I'm going to murder whoever did this.

"It wasn't chuck was it because if it was I will kill that bastard myself!" Veronica fumes. I can't blame her I'm pretty darn mad too.
"No...it was Reggie...I don't know how he found out in the first place...he just started spreading it like wildfire, such a typical thing to do...just like what he said about Polly." She looks down in shame so I pull her in for a hug.

Okay sappy moment is over. I let go of the hug and begin to storm off.
"Where are you going?" Veronica asks trying to catch up to me.
I keep on walking ignoring her.
I make my way out of the door that I had followed Veronica through and then I headed towards the northsiders, who are surrounding Reggie who is mid sentence.
"Yeah she's totally pregnant, dudes I know this, I mean you saw Polly-"
"What are you doing Reggie" I grit my teeth. Everyone, for some reason takes a step back. Wait I'm not scary am I?

Reggie gets up and walks around the table to face me. He's still shorter.
"Well big red I was just retelling the story of how mama cooper over here got pregnant." He chuckles and points to Betty, who is a few feet behind me.
"And what makes you think you can do that?" My voice gets firmer.
"Ohhhh I see." Reggie randomly says after a moment.
"What?" I ask.
"Archiekins over here is in love with Betty. It's clear as day. After Veronica's Dad decided it would be a good idea to buy over the Southside and ruin the everyone's lives, you thought that being with a Lodge was just idiotic. That made you realise that you do intact have feelings for your childhood best friend. But Jughead got her preggo and now your just jealous-"
I cute him off with a punch.

Everyone takes another step back...I'm not scary why are people stepping back.

I throw another hit at him when he tries to fight back. It becomes a full on battle. He throws a hit at me and gets my jaw. I can taste blood, but I can't stop.
I come back at him harder, pushing him back until he's up against the table.
"Don't ever talk about Veronica or Betty like that and if you do then you'll see that this was only the top of the iceberg of what I can do."

I turn around and everyone one is silent, they all have ghost like expressions on their faces. Maybe I am scary...

A/N hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in ages but I've been super busy with school work (in Australia it's mid school year)! I'm trying to update when I can! Hope you all enjoyed it, leave a comment below! As always thanks for reading  xx

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