P r e p p y

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Kevin's POV
I rush into the hospital after hearing that Betty fainted. I see Archie and Veronica sitting down out side what I assume is Betty's room.
"You two look like you could use a coffee." A chuckle as they notice me standing in front of them.
"Kev, hey what are you doing here?" Archie asks as he stands up.
"I'm here for Betty of corse, what happened exactly?" I ask.
"In all honestly I'm not too sure but basically Betty fainted and I think it was due to blood pressure, or dehydration or something like that." Veronica explains. "Maybe it was the baby?" She mumbles to herself.

I'm sorry did I hear that correctly. Did Veronica just say something about a baby.
"What baby?" I ask, Veronica's eyes grow wide as she realises what she said.
"You can't tell anyone Kevin, Betty's pregnant, we don't know all the details so if you have any questions I can't really answer them." Archie says.

"Oh my god I can't believe she's actually pregnant" I sigh, scratching the back of my neck. "Listen as I much as we should be here for Betty, it's like 11pm and we need to be at school tomorrow." I sigh.
"You're right Kev we should get going." Veronica stands up and grabs Archie's hand, we all make our way out of the hospital.

*the next day at school*
*still Kevin's POV*
I walk into the student lounge and see the core four, apart from Betty who is staying at home today. I sit down next to Jughead.
"Hello Varchie, Jughead, what's the hot gossip?" I ask.
"Betty's back home, didn't come to school today though. Oh and I wouldn't walk past my locker if I were you." Archie sighs.
"What's wrong with you locker?" I ask furrowing my brow.
"Well basically it's just covered in pictures from the newspaper of me getting arrested, along with a few notes, one said blood boy, another said student body murderer, in all honesty they were pretty pathetic insults." Archie explained, followed by a small chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Now now archiekins none of those things are true-"
"Yo Jughead" I hear a somewhat familiar voice interrupt Veronica. I turn around and I blink twice, because I'm pretty sure I'm going insane.
"Joaquin, good to see you, did you take care of that thing." Jughead stood up trying to keep whatever this 'thing' was on the down low.

That's not exactly important though because Joaquin is back, like he's in the room, okay he hasn't noticed me yet maybe I can just slip out of the room unnoticed.
"Preppy?" I hear him question, walking around so that he's standing infront of me.  Okay yep he's back. But why?
"Joaquin...wha...what are you doing here?" I ask trying to sound confident.
"Moved back to Riverdale to help out with the serpents, I heard they were in a bit of trouble." He explained rather briefly.
I look around and notice that it was now awkwardly silent as Jughead, Archie and Veronica watched us.

"Follow me." I order as I stand up and walk out of the student lounge.
"Follow you where?"
"To my locker you idiot I need to get my stuff for class, in the meantime you can explain like everything" I say to my ex.
"I told you, serpents needed some help, I moved back here and now I suppose I'm attending Riverdale high with you." He smirked as we reached my locker.

"This is insane" I mutter under my breath.
"Is it, is it really?" He started to lean in, oh shit. I start leaning in too, apparently I've lost my mind.
"Kevin?" I jerk my head, right as my lips were about to connect with Joaquin's, and I see Moose.
Well fuck.

A/N Hey all thanks for reading! Sorry if my updating times are weird for you guys, I'm Aussie so my time compared to America's is out of whack. Also sorry for the shorter chapter!  Anyways comment what you want to happen! Appreciate it heaps! Xx

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